# --------------------------------- # $Revision: 1.36 $, last changed: $Date: 1999/11/01 13:11:09 $ # # Main index def. file for the lfmainindex program # Syntax of this file: # Fields are separated by ++. A # is a comment but only if placed in the # first column of a line. # # Every entry is one big long line and the fields are: # article number ++ href to translated version ++ Title ++ translator e-mailr ++ translator real name ++ proofreader e-mail ++ proofreader real name # # It is possible to put an "x" into the field for "href of translated version" # in that case the default path is used. The default path is # <month_name>/articleN.html where N is the article number but this can # also be configured via the -a option. # # The keyword "month:" starts a new month with the syntax: # month: month_name=name of English directory ++ title to put on the box e.g name of month # # Note: the path to the English (and the non-English if x is used as path) # article is derived from the article number field # # The title page has always the name index.html and the article number 0 # # --------------------------------- # Nicknames are a convenient way to make lines easier to write and shorter. # A nickname may consist only of letters and numbers. The nickname declaration # must come in the text before it is actually used. # nickname: as ++ a.schleife(at)gmx.de ++ Andre Schleife nickname: ck ++ ck(at)ix.heise.de ++ Christian Kirsch nickname: cl ++ leber(at)control.magicnet.de,cleber(at)gmx.net ++ Christian Leber nickname: fl ++ luecke(at)zess.uni-siegen.de ++ Franz-Josef Lücke nickname: fh ++ un(at)bekannt ++ Frank Hofmann nickname: gk ++ georgk(at)uni.de ++ Georg Koester nickname: gs ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher nickname: gskk ++ guido.socher(at)linuxfocus.org,katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido and Katja nickname: ht ++ holger.thiesemann(at)phc.uni-kiel.de ++ Holger Thiesemann nickname: hr ++ harryrat(at)gmx.de ++ Harald Radke nickname: hw ++ wagner(at)fitug.de ++ Hanno Wagner nickname: jl ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link nickname: jlu ++ jonas(at)nethammer.qad.org ++ Jonas Luster nickname: jw ++ jwieland(at)bigfoot.de ++ Joachim Wieland nickname: kd ++ kai_debus(at)dierichs.de ++ Kai Debus nickname: ks ++ kaschu(at)t800.ping.de ++ Karsten Schulz nickname: kk ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Korn nickname: kks ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher nickname: ms ++ MaSzengel(at)t-online.de ++ Marian, Annett Szengel nickname: ra ++ ralph(at)snafu.de ++ Ralph Angenendt nickname: sw ++ wenzler(at)cityweb.de ++ Sebastian Wenzler nickname: tk ++ kappest(at)ubaclu.unibas.ch ++ Thomas Kappes nickname: wb ++ wobo(at)frankfurt.netsurf.de ++ Wolfgang Bornath nickname: vg ++ Goebbels(at)gei-aachen.de ++ Volker Göbbels nickname: bw ++ waibel(at)student.uni-siegen.de ++ Bernd Waibel nickname: dl ++ un(at)bekannt ++ David Lutterkort nickname: khz ++ zimmer(at)online.de ++ Karl-Heinz Zimmer nickname: db ++dieter.b(at)web.de ++ Dieter Breitenstein nickname: sb ++ s.broecheler(at)fz-juelich.de++ Stefan Bröcheler nickname: ot ++ o.thilmann(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de ++ Oliver Thilmann nickname: pg ++ p.guehring(at)xpoint.at,p.guehring(at)poboxes.com ++ Philipp Gühring nickname: mas ++ m.schimdt(at)mvnet.de ++ Mathias Schimdt nickname: unknown ++ un(at)bekannt ++ ** Unbekannt ** nickname: hjb ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers nickname: tk ++ Tjabo.Kloppenburg(at)unix-ag.org ++ Tjabo Kloppenburg nickname: tkgs ++ Tjabo.Kloppenburg(at)unix-ag.org,guido.socher(at)linuxfocus.org++Tjabo Kloppenburg, Guido Socher nickname: sbs ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein nickname: pt ++ peterth(at)gmx.net ++ Peter Thalmann nickname: mw ++ m.weinrich(at)web.de ++ Michael Weinrich nickname: tp ++ t.preusse(at)davision.com ++ Tilmann Preuße nickname: js ++ joachim.siegmund(at)gmx.net ++ Joachim Siegmund nickname: sh ++ s.hanold(at)gmx.de ++ Sven Hanold #--------- month:July2004 ++ July2004 283 ++ x ++ Interview mit Jeff Dike ++ X@x ++ Viktor Horvath 340 ++ x ++ Daten-GAU ++ X@x ++ Detlef Müller 341 ++ x ++ vsftpd - der Very Secure FTP Daemon, eine Einführung ++ X@x ++ Mario M. Knopf 342 ++ x ++ Temperaturüberwachung mit Linux (Teil 2) ++ X@x ++ Stefan Blechschmidt 343 ++ x ++ Warum funktioniert das nicht? Wie man Fehler in Linuxapplikationen findet und behebt ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 344 ++ x ++ Dia, ein Program zum Entwerfen von Diagrammen ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher #---end July2004 #--------- month:May2004 ++ May2004 335 ++ x ++ Bunte Shells - Benutzung der Shellfarben ++ X@x ++ Nico Golde 336 ++ x ++ Gentoo Linux ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 337 ++ x ++ shivalik -- einfache Konfigurations-Sicherung (trotzt Murphys Gesetzen) ++ X@x ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers 338 ++ x ++ Kommunizieren mit einem laufenden Prozess ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 339 ++ x ++ 3D Graphik mit Blender: Modellieren einer Uhr ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher #---end May2004 #--------- month:March2004 ++ March2004 326 ++ x ++ Rsync: Das beste Backupsystem ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 328 ++ x ++ Linux für S/390 (IBM z/Series) ++ X@x ++ Viktor Horvath 329 ++ x ++ Gambas: Basic für Linux ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 330 ++ x ++ uucpssh.org: UUCP e-mail für Linuxfans ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 331 ++ x ++ Eine Einführung in die TclMySQL-Bibliothek ++ X@x ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers 332 ++ x ++ GUI-Programmierung mit GTK - Teil 3 ++ X@x ++ Viktor Horvath 333 ++ x ++ Tuxpaint: Ein Malprogramm für Kinder ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 334 ++ x ++ Statistik für Jedermann ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl #---end March2004 #--------- month:January2004 ++ January2004 319 ++ x ++ RPN (UPN) Rechner für Linux ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 320 ++ x ++ Linux-Interna mit Syscalltracker verfolgen ++ X@x ++ Michael Weinrich 321 ++ x ++ storeBackup, das unkonventionelle Backup Tool ++ X@x ++ Heinz-Josef Claes 322 ++ x ++ Machen wir ein bißchen Elektronik ++ X@x ++ Viktor Horvath 323 ++ x ++ Test: vorinstallierte Linux Notebooks von LinuxCertified ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 324 ++ x ++ Das Proc File System verstehen ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 325 ++ x ++ 3D Graphik mit Blender: Modellieren einer Truhe ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher #---end January2004 #--------- month:November2003 ++ November2003 309 ++ x ++ Man-pages schreiben ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 313 ++ x ++ Buchbesprechung: The Art of UNIX Programming ++ X@x ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers 314 ++ x ++ GIMP: Design deine eigenen Pinsel ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 315 ++ x ++ Temperaturüberwachung mit Linux ++ X@x ++ Stefan Blechschmidt 316 ++ x ++ Concurrent programming - Message queues (3) ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 317 ++ x ++ Ein ISDN - Fax unter Linux ++ X@x ++ Sebastian Bauer 318 ++ x ++ 3D Grafik mit Blender: Ein Zimmer voller Spielzeug ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher #---end November2003 #--------- month:September2003 ++ September2003 304 ++ x ++ Die MySQL C API ++ X@x ++ Sebastian Bauer 306 ++ x ++ Linux auf dem Desktop: Ein Computer für Mama ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 307 ++ x ++ 3D Graphik mit Blender: Eine Spielzeugeisenbahn ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 308 ++ x ++ Automail für fli4l ++ X@x ++ Stefan Blechschmidt 310 ++ x ++ Eine kurze Anleitung zur Installation von CVW unter Linux ++ X@x ++ Josef Schwarz 311 ++ x ++ Fotozauber mit Gimp ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 312 ++ x ++ Collaborative Virtual Workspaces (Arbeitsumgebungen für virtuelle Zusammenarbeit) und ihre Vorteile ++ X@x ++ Robert Gummi #---end September2003 month:July2003 ++ Juli 2003 294 ++ x ++ IDS - Intrusion Detection System, part II ++ X@x ++ Jürgen Pohl 297 ++ x ++ Bau eines autonomen Lichtfinder-Robots ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher 299 ++ x ++ Die GNUstep "kleine Anwendungen" Tour ++ X@x ++ Sebastian Stein 300 ++ x ++ Ein 1-Bit-Datenoszilloskop ++ X@x ++ Hubert Kaißer 301 ++ x ++ Produkttest: Textmaker ++ X@x ++ Guido Socher 302 ++ x ++ Buch Tipp: Mastering Red Hat Linux 9 ++ X@x ++ Josef Schwarz 303 ++ x ++ GUI-Programmierung mit GTK - Teil 2 ++ X@x ++ Viktor Horvath 305 ++ x ++ 3D Grafik mit Blender: Allererste Schritte ++ X@x ++ Katja Socher # --------------------------------- month:May2003 ++ Mai 2003 # --------------------------------- 288 ++ x ++ Implementation eines Scrollers mittels SDL-Grafik++sept.sapins(at)verizon.net++Jürgen Pohl 289 ++ x ++ Paketfilterung mit Linux++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ 290 ++ x ++ Ein kurzer Installationsleitfaden für Ximian Evolution++hubert(at)faveve.uni-stuttgart.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 291 ++ x ++ GWorkspace, der GNUstep-Workspace-Manager++sept.sapins(at)verizon.net++Jürgen Pohl 292 ++ x ++ IDS - Intrusion Detection System, Teil I++Socma(at)gmx.net++Klaus Müller 293 ++ x ++ Fallstudie: Open Source Content Management Systeme machen E-Commerce Webseiten erschwinglich++josef.schwarz(at)fh-sbg.ac.at ++ Josef Schwarz 295 ++ x ++ GUI-Programmierung mit GTK++ViktorHorvath(at)gmx.net ++ Viktor Horvath ++ ++ 296 ++ x ++ Concurrent programming - Message Queues (2)++sept.sapins(at)verizon.net++Jürgen Pohl 298 ++ x ++ 8cm-Multiboot-CDROM mit angepasstem Knoppix++Tjabo.Kloppenburg(at)unix-ag.org++Tjabo Kloppenburg # --------------------------------- month:March2003 ++ März 2003 271 ++ x ++ Grundlegendes zu Akustik und Signalverarbeitung ++ josef.schwarz(at)fh-sbg.ac.at ++ Josef Schwarz 273 ++ x ++ Sichern Sie Ihre Verbindungen mit SSH ++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 280 ++ x ++ Buchbesprechung: Beginning PHP4 Databases ++ harryrat(at)gmx.de ++ Harald Radke ++ ++ 282 ++ x ++ Angriffe von außen ++ ViktorHorvath(at)gmx.net ++ Viktor Horvath ++ ++ 284 ++ x ++ Luftdruckmessung unter Linux ++ rwieland(at)zalf.de ++ Ralf Wieland ++ ++ 285 ++ x ++ Benutzung von PostgreSQL über JDBC mittels Java-SSL-Tunnel ++ sept.sapins(at)verizon.net ++ Jürgen Pohl ++ ++ 286 ++ x ++ Linux USB LCD Display mit Watchdog und Tasten ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 287 ++ x ++ Concurrent programming - Message Queue (1) ++ sept.sapins(at)verizon.net ++ Jürgen Pohl ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:January2003 ++ Januar 2003 269 ++ x ++ HTML Dokumente mit Perl verwalten, HTML::TagReader ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 274 ++ x ++ Entdeckung von Einbrüchen mit Debian GNU/Linux ++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 275 ++ x ++ Demographie mal zum Anfasse ++ rwieland(at)zalf.de ++ Ralf Wieland ++ ++ 276 ++ x ++ Freies Unix: die BSDs ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein ++ ++ 277 ++ x ++ BASIC Programmierung mit Unix ++ sept.sapins(at)verizon.net ++ Jürgen Pohl ++ ++ 278 ++ x ++ Automatisierung der Systemadministration mittels ssh und scp ++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 279 ++ x ++ Kampf dem Spam ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 281 ++ x ++ Concurrent programming - Kommunikation zwischen Prozessen ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org++ Guido Socher ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:November2002 ++ November 2002 251 ++ x ++ Ein Mikrocontroller gesteuertes Labornetzteil ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 262 ++ x ++ Mozilla unter der Lupe ++ sept.sapins(at)verizon.net ++ Jürgen Pohl ++ ++ 263 ++ x ++ Rootkits und die Integrität ++ kaschu(at)t800.ping.de,guido(at)linuxfocus.org++Guido Socher, Karsten Schulz ++ ++ 264 ++ x ++ Sichere Port-Zuweisung für Linuxgerätetreiber ++ smachaga(at)sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de ++ Robert Gummi ++ ++ 265 ++ x ++ Gorm und ProjectCenter, die GNUstep RAD Werkzeuge ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 266 ++ x ++ Gnome Programmentwicklung mit Python (Teil 3) ++ hubert(at)faveve.uni-stuttgart.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 267 ++ x ++ (X)dialog: Sprechende Shells ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 268 ++ x ++ Benutzung von PGPLOT für interaktive Grafiken unter Linux ++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 270 ++ x ++ Installation eines LAMP-Systems:++linux(at)saschablum.de ++ Sascha Blum ++ ++ 272 ++ x ++ Concurrent programming - Prinzipien und Einführung in Prozesse ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org++ Guido Socher ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:September2002 ++ September 2002 253 ++ x ++ Frequenzzähler 1Hz-100Mhz mit LCD Display und RS232 Interface++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 255 ++ x ++ Viren: sie gehen uns alle an++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 257 ++ x ++ Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit BibTeXML in DocBook XML schreiben++m.weinrich(at)web.de ++ Michael Weinrich++ ++ 258 ++ x ++ HD44780 kompatible LCD-Displays verstehen++m.weinrich(at)web.de ++ Michael Weinrich++ ++ 259 ++ x ++ Midi mit Alsa++guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 260 ++ x ++ FreeBSD, eine echte Alternative++beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 261 ++ x ++ L'heure du Jazz ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org++Katja Socher ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:July2002 ++ Juli 2002 239 ++ x ++ A Hardware watchdog and shutdown button ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 245 ++ x ++ Securing a heterogeneous network with free software tools ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 248 ++ x ++ Plugins and Mozilla 1.0 ++ ViktorHorvath(at)gmx.net ++ Viktor Horvath ++ ++ 249 ++ x ++ Receiving faxes with efax. ++ Marcus.Franke(at)gmx.net ++ Marcus Franke ++ ++ 250 ++ x ++ Bookreview: Beginning Databases with MySQL ++ Marcus.Franke(at)gmx.net ++ Marcus Franke ++ ++ 252 ++ x ++ Compile your own Linux kernel ++ harryrat(at)gmx.de ++ Harald Radke ++ ++ 254 ++ x ++ Light, Camera, Action... Kino! ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:May2002 ++ Mai 2002 201 ++ x ++ Editing DocBook XML Documents ++ ViktorHorvath(at)gmx.net ++ Viktor Horvath ++ ++ 236 ++ x ++ A LCD control panel for your Linux server ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 240 ++ x ++ Using a Minolta Dimage 5 camera under Linux ++ Marcus.Franke(at)gmx.net ++ Marcus Franke ++ ++ 241 ++ x ++ GNUMail.app, the portability evidence ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 242 ++ x ++ Getting to know XML++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein ++ ++ 243 ++ x ++ Introduction to cryptography ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 244 ++ x ++ Discover the universe ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 246 ++ x ++ Trying out KDE3 ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 247 ++ x ++ Replacing a Windows NT/2000 server using Linux and SAMBA ++ hubert(at)faveve.uni-stuttgart.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:March2002 ++ März 2002 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 229 ++ x ++ GCC - the root of all ++ rene.suess(at)datentechnik.com ++ Rene Süss ++ ++ 233 ++ x ++ Introduction to Ncurses ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 231 ++ x ++ Programming the ARV Microcontroller with GCC ++ hubert(at)faveve.uni-stuttgart.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 230 ++ x ++ IOS, another REBOLution ++ smachaga(at)sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de ++ Robert Gummi ++ ++ 177 ++ x ++ Samba configuration ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein ++ ++ 232 ++ x ++ Bookreview: The qmail Handbook ++ kevin.loehmann(at)web.de ++ Kevin Löhmann ++ ++ 235 ++ x ++ Setting up a Squid-Proxy Server++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++Hermann-Josef Beckers ++ ++ 237 ++ x ++ Game Review - Barrel Patrol 3D ++ harryrat(at)gmx.de ++ Harald Radke ++ ++ 238 ++ x ++ Playing around with Dingbats and The Gimp ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:January2002 ++ Januar2002 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher ++ ++ 222 ++ x ++ Running applications remote with X11 ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers ++ ++ 225 ++ x ++ Chrooting All Services in Linux ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein ++ ++ 224 ++ x ++ Developing Gnome Applications with Python (Part 2) ++ gsocher(at)web.de ++ Günther Socher ++ ++ 226 ++ x ++ MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience ++ hubert.kaisser(at)botb.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 228 ++ x ++ "Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagné ++kevin.loehmann(at)web.de ++ Kevin Löhmann ++ ++ 227 ++ x ++ Writing CDs with Linux ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 132 ++ x ++ QCAD: Technisches zeichnen unter Linux ++bspa(at)gmx.de ++ Bernhard Spanyar ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:November2001 ++ November2001 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Socher ++ ++ 203 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 6: CGI scripts ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers++ ++ 163 ++ x ++ Yellow Pages 3 ++ bspa(at)gmx.de ++ Bernhard Spanyar++ ++ 217 ++ x ++ Nessus : another brick in the (security) wall ++ hubert.kaisser(at)botb.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 121 ++ x ++ Gimp: using mask layers ++ hubert.kaisser(at)botb.de ++ Hubert Kaißer ++ ++ 116 ++ x ++ Freefont, TrueType and patterns with The Gimp ++katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++Katja Socher ++ ++ 219 ++ x ++ MOSIXVIEW, a management-GUI for MOSIX-cluster ++ rechenburger(at)netcologne.de ++ Matthias Rechenburg++ ++ 220 ++ x ++ Atek Super Mini Optical Mouse ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher++ ++ 223 ++ x ++ How to use your ATEN UC-232A USB adapter with Linux ++ guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido Socher++ ++ 221 ++ x ++ A whole new world: A guided tour with Tux through the land of the penguin ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++Katja Socher ++ ++ 218 ++ x ++ Analyzing your internet application's log files II - configuring your reports ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:September2001 ++ September2001 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 198 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 5:race conditions ++ gs ++ ++ ++ 139 ++ x ++ XMRM : Morphing with Linux ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 214 ++ x ++ Psionic Portsentry 1.1, the defender of the ports ++ t.preusse(at)davision.com ++ Tilmann Preuße++ ++ 215 ++ x ++ E-mail over UUCP ++ sbs ++ ++ ++ 213 ++ x ++ Analyzing your internet applications' log files ++ hjb ++ ++ ++ 206 ++ x ++ Using XML and XSLT to build LinuxFocus.org ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 216 ++ x ++ Shell Programming ++ kks ++ ++ ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:July2001 ++ Juli 2001 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 170 ++ x ++ Learning with nmap ++sebi(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Fastner++ ++ ++ 148 ++ x ++ Yellow Pages, part 1 ++ dieter.b(at)web.de ++ Dieter Breitenstein ++ ++ 162 ++ x ++ Yellow Pages, part 2 ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers ++ ++ 191 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 4:format strings ++Tjabo.Kloppenburg(at)unix-ag.org,guido(at)linuxfocus.org ++Tjabo Kloppenburg,Guido Socher ++ ++ 207 ++ x ++ Singing in the web ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein++ ++ 208 ++ x ++ Bookreview: Professional Perl Programming ++ peterth(at)gmx.net ++Peter Thalmann ++ ++ 209 ++ x ++ Compiling, Configuring and Installing a fully-working Customized Linux Kernel ++ m.weinrich(at)web.de ++ Michael Weinrich++ ++ 210 ++ x ++ Wacky uses for Raid, /dev/ram, and ramfs ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 211 ++ x ++ Do magic with images on the shell ++ kks ++ ++ ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:May2001 ++ Mai 2001 0 ++ x++ Title page ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 181 ++ x ++ Do your job with make! ++ gs ++ ++ 190 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 3 : buffer overflows ++ gs ++ ++ 200 ++ x++ Introduction to BORG ++ hr++ ++ 202 ++ x ++ Through the tunnel ++ kks ++ ++ 205 ++ x ++ Building a Linux-controlled walking robot ++ kks ++ ++ 194 ++ x++ Game Review - GLTron ++ hr++ ++ 204 ++ x++ Real-time mp3 recording, part 2 ++ gs ++ ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:March2001 ++ März 2001 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ 199 ++ x ++ Realtime data mirroring under Linux ++ kks ++ 192 ++ x ++ Using different ISPs for your Internet access ++ gs ++ 193 ++ x ++ Game Review - Penguin Command ++ hr ++ 178 ++ x ++ Real-time mp3 recording ++ kks ++ 183 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 2: memory, stack and functions,shellcode ++ gs ++ 196 ++ x ++ The Easy Fax Server ++ kks ++ 108 ++ x ++ Povray IV: The Use of Textures in Povray ++ kks ++ 195 ++ x ++ GNUstep, the open source OpenStep ++ kks ++ 197 ++ x ++ Book review: Beginning Linux Programming ++ kks ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:January2001 ++ Januar 2000 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ 119 ++ x ++ Gimp's tools: selection and color correction ++ kks ++ 186 ++ x ++ A shutdown button with LED's to connect to the RS232 interface ++ gs ++ 141 ++ x ++ Automount and Autofs ++ gs ++ 180 ++ x ++ Security tools ++ kks ++ 144 ++ x ++ Multicast ++ kks ++ 157 ++ x ++ Slackware 7.0 part II: Configuration Guide ++ gs ++ 182 ++ x ++ Avoiding security holes when developing an application - Part 1 ++ gs ++ 187 ++ x ++ Book review: HTML & XHTML ++ kks ++ 189 ++ x ++ Game Review - Tux Racer ++ hr ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:November2000 ++ November 2000 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ 123 ++ x ++ Discovering Ted ++ Schwicky(at)gmx.net ++ Jean-Pierre Schwickerath++ 131 ++ x ++ GNU file utilities ++ kks ++ 164 ++ x ++ NFS - Network File System ++ kks ++ 174 ++ x ++ An introduction to Tk ++ m.weinrich(at)web.de ++ Michael Weinrich++ 175 ++ x ++ xinetd ++ hr ++ 176 ++ x ++ Once upon a time... or commercial Unix vs free Unix and more! ++ kks ++ 179 ++ x ++ High Availability systems under Linux ++ gs ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:September2000 ++ September 2000 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ kks ++ 154 ++ x ++ Slackware 7.0 part I: Installation Guide ++ sebi(at)fastnernet.de ++ Sebastian Fastner++ 158 ++ x ++ MagicPoint ++ kks ++ 166 ++ x ++ Bastille-Linux ++ beckerst(at)lst-oneline.de ++ Hermann J. Beckers++ 167 ++ x ++ Book review: Professional PHP Programming ++ hassan.essaid(at)web.de ++ Hassan Es Said++ 168 ++ x ++ Approaching Vector Linux ++ hr ++ 169 ++ x ++ REBOL the rebel ++ seb_stein(at)gmx.de ++ Sebastian Stein++ 171 ++ x ++ How to report bugs on Debian 2.2 ++ dieter.b(at)web.de ++ Dieter Breitenstein++ 173 ++ x ++ Building Scalable ISPs with open-source softwares ++ hr ++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:July2000 ++ Juli 2000 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link 113 ++ x ++ Pseudo 3D Effekte mit Gimp ++ kks ++ 165 ++ x ++ Verwendung eines seriellen LCDs unter Linux ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link++ 160 ++ x ++ Entwicklung von GNOME Applikationen mit Python (Teil 1) ++ hr ++ 155 ++ x ++ Virtual Network Computing, auch als VNC bekannt ++ hr ++ 159 ++ x ++ Einführung in LDAP unter LINUX ++ hr ++ 156 ++ x ++ Einführung in das PERL XML::XSLT Modul ++ gs ++ 161 ++ x ++ Installation der LinuxFocus Debian Pakete ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:May2000 ++ Mai 2000 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ gs ++ 122 ++ x ++ Apache : Part I ++ Schwicky(at)gmx.net ++ Jean-Pierre Schwickerath++ 130 ++ x ++ Sendmail and Fetchmail: A local mail server ++ spenneb(at)uni-muenster.de ++ Ralf Spenneberg++ 149 ++ x ++ Arkeia, a professional and commercial network backup solution ++ hr ++ 150 ++ x ++ Building DHCP automatically ++ hr ++ 151 ++ x ++ Setting up IP-Masquerading ++ blank.martin(at)gmx.de ++ Martin Blank++ 152 ++ x ++ Making PDF documents with DocBook ++ hr ++ 153 ++ x ++ Mastering the VI editor ++ kaschu(at)t800.ping.de ++ Karsten Schulz++ # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- month:March2000 ++ March 2000 0 ++ x++ Title page ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 137 ++ x ++ RT-Linux III ++ kks ++ ++ 138 ++ x ++ NEdit, the universal editor of the Unix world ++ hr++ ++ 140 ++ x ++ Product review: SNiFF+ for Linux ++ hr ++ 142 ++ x ++ Booting three different operating systems: RedHat Linux 5.2, SCO Openserver 5.0.5 and Windows NT 4.0 ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link++ 146 ++ x ++ The uCsimm kit ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link 147 ++ x ++ Using Apache ProxyPass to access servers behind a Masquarading host ++ gs ++ # --------------------------------- month:January2000 ++ Januar 2000 0 ++ x++ Title page ++ gs ++ ++ ++ 127 ++ x ++ FSViewer, a File Manager for WindowMaker ++ K.Giesow(at)t-online.de ++ Karsten Giesow ++ ++ 128 ++ x ++ WindowMaker the spirit of NextStep ++ hr ++ 129 ++ x ++ Recycling Ip Addresses with Apache ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++Jens Link ++ ++ 133 ++ x ++ VXE, a Linux security tool++ hr ++ 134 ++ x ++ Home Networking, glossary and overview ++ hr ++ 135 ++ x ++ How to partition your hard drive for Linux ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link 136 ++ x ++ Perl part III ++ kks ++ ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:November1999 ++ November 1999 0 ++ x++ Title page ++ kks++ ++ ++ 112 ++ x ++ Creating fire effects with GIMP ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 117 ++ x ++ Game Review - FreeCiv ++ dreyerja(at)uni-paderborn.de ++ Jan Dreyer ++ ++ 118 ++ x ++ Tux's secret obsession - Gaming under Linux ++ hr ++ ++ ++ 124 ++ x ++ How to use a Ramdisk for Linux ++leber(at)control.magicnet.de,cleber(at)gmx.net ++Christian Leber ++ ++ 125 ++ x++ Speeding up small databases on Linux ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de++Jens Link ++ ++ 126 ++ x ++ Perl II ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 120 ++ x ++ Sketch, vectorial drawing under Linux ++ kks ++ ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:September1999 ++ September 1999 0 ++ x ++ Title page ++ gs++ ++ ++ 114 ++ x ++ Perl I ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 111 ++ x ++ Building text files with m4 macros ++ ofdec(at)gate.net ++ Wolfgang Schorer++ ++ 110 ++ x ++ The Tcl Syntax ++hr ++ ++ ++ 109 ++ x ++ Dialog - a programming language for dialogs ++ p.guehring(at)poboxes.com ++ Philipp Gühring++ ++ 106 ++ x ++ How to use your CD-ROM under Linux ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 105 ++ x ++ Nerdbank - a banking initiative for open interfaces ++ K.Giesow(at)t-online.de ++Karsten Giesow ++ ++ 103 ++ x ++ Awk ++ kks ++ ++ ++ # --------------------------------- month:July1999 ++ July 1999 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x++ Title page ++ gs++ ++ ++ 104 ++ x ++ Funny shell commands ++ gs ++ ++ ++ 83 ++ x ++ Japanese on Linux Part I ++hr++ ++ ++ 100 ++ x ++ PostScript III, Arrays, Variables, Loops and Macro Definitions ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org++Katja Korn ++ gs ++ 101 ++ x ++ How to remove windows ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Korn++ gs ++ 82 ++ x ++ f-CPU Project: Attempting the "even harder" ++hr ++ ++ ++ 79 ++ x ++ Interview with Dennis Ritchie ++ ralph(at)snafu.de ++Ralph Angenendt ++guido.s(at)writeme.com,katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido and Katja 81 ++ x ++ RenderMan Part III ++hr++ ++gskk ++ 80 ++ x ++ PostScript Part II: The Operand Stack ++hr++ ++ ++ # month:January1999 ++ January 1999 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page: Linux Based Robotics ++ hr++ ++gs++ 73 ++ x ++ An autoguided Vehicle Based on Linux ++ kappest(at)ubaclu.unibas.ch ++Thomas Kappes ++ hr++ 75 ++ x ++ Happy Hacking Keyboard ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link ++gs ++ 74 ++ x ++ Installation and Configuration of a Raid system ++ hr ++ ++gs ++ 77 ++ x ++ File Access Permissions ++ gs ++ ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org++ Katja Korn 78 ++ x ++ Java. Part II ++ holger.thiesemann(at)phc.uni-kiel.de ++ Holger Thiesemann ++ gs ++ 76 ++ x ++ PG2CGI Access to Databases from the Web ++ hr ++ n/a ++ jlu ++ # month:December1998 ++ December 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page: Happy HoliDays ++ hr++ ++gs++ # month:November1998 ++ November 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page ++ hr++ ++gs++ 69 ++ x ++ Interview with David Bagley ++ hr ++ ++ ++ 68 ++ x ++ Basic UNIX commands ++ leber(at)control.magicnet.de,guido(at)bearix.oche.de ++ Christian Leber, Guido Socher++ hr ++ 70 ++ x ++ GNU/Linux on Fujitsu 635T ++ hr ++ ++ guido.s(at)writeme.com,katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido and Katja 71 ++ x ++ Linux on a Sony Vaio 505gx ++ hr ++ ++ guido.s(at)writeme.com,katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido and Katja 72 ++ x ++ Easy Graphics: A Beginner's Guide to SVGAlib ++ hr ++ ++guido.s(at)writeme.com,katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Guido and Katja # month:October1998 ++ October 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page ++hr++ ++gs++ 67 ++ x ++ Linux as an Educational Tool in Undergraduate Labs ++ hr++ ++ gs++ # month:September1998 ++ September 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page ++ hr ++ ++gs++ 63 ++ x ++ An Introduction to Network Booting and Etherboot ++ hr++ ++gs ++ 65 ++ x ++ Enabling Chinese on Linux ++ hr++ ++ gskk++ 66 ++ x ++ Interview with Juan Jose Amor ++ hr++ ++ gskk++ 64 ++ x ++ Finding Files ++ gs ++ ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Korn # month:July1998 ++ July 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page ++ hr ++ ++gs++ 55 ++ x ++ The StarOffice Suite (Word Processor) ++ m.schmidt(at)mvnet.de ++Mathias Schmidt ++ ra ++ 59 ++ x ++ MySQL. A Database Server ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 58 ++ x ++ SQL Tutorial Part II ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 52 ++ x ++ Enlightenment ++ ralph(at)snafu.de ++ Ralph Angenendt ++ ++ 60 ++ x ++ Adding Security to Common Linux Distributions ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++Jens Link ++ ks ++ 61 ++ x ++ TCPD and Firewalls using IPFWADM ++ hr ++ ++ ++ 57 ++ x ++ Programming with Java. Part I ++ kaschu(at)t800.ping.de++ Karsten Schulz ++ ++ 51 ++ x ++ Creating and Editing Animations with GIMP ++ ralph(at)snafu.de ++Ralph Angenendt ++ ++ 50 ++ x ++ Design of Recursive Structures. POVRAY III ++ MaSzengel(at)t-online.de ++Marian, Annett Szengel ++ ra ++ 62 ++ x ++ RenderMan: Basics on Camera Positioning ++ hr++ ++ ++ 53 ++ x ++ Regular Expressions ++ gs ++ ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org ++ Katja Korn 56 ++ x ++ Real-Time Linux II ++ kappest(at)ubaclu.unibas.ch ++Thomas Kappes ++hr ++ 54 ++ x ++ Linux among artists at BUF COMPAGNIE ++ hr++ ++ ++ # month:May1998 ++ May 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page: 3D Modelers are Running under Linux ++ gs ++ ++ ++ 35 ++ x ++ MindsEye: 3D Modeling ++ waibel(at)student.uni-siegen.de ++Bernd Waibel ++ ++ 42 ++ x ++ RenderMan ++ un(at)bekannt ++ David Lutterkort ++ ++ 41 ++ x ++ Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX ++ s.broecheler(at)fz-juelich.de,o.thilmann(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de++ Stefan Bröcheler, Oliver Thilmann ++ ++ 44 ++ x ++ Real-Time Linux ++ georgk(at)uni.de ++Georg Koester ++vg ++ 37 ++ x ++ Creating a (Somewhat Useful) Version of Linux ++ jonas(at)nethammer.qad.org ++ Jonas Luster ++ ++ 43 ++ x ++ The Postscript Language ++o.thilmann(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de ++ Oliver Thilmann ++ ++ 47 ++ x ++ GLUT: using Menus ++ unknown ++ ++ ++ 46 ++ x ++ OpenGL: the 3D Scene ++ un(at)bekannt ++ Frank Hofmann ++ ++ 38 ++ x ++ Introduction to SQL. Installing PostgreSQL. ++ kai_debus(at)dierichs.de ++Kai Debus ++ vg ++ 48 ++ x ++ POVRAY II: Basic Notions ++kappest(at)ubaclu.unibas.ch ++ Thomas Kappes, Bernd Haug ++ ++ 49 ++ x ++ Writing Text with PhotoShop ++ wenzler(at)cityweb.de ++ Sebastian Wenzler ++ ++ 36 ++ x ++ Writing Text with Gimp ++ wenzler(at)cityweb.de ++Sebastian Wenzler ++ ++ 45 ++ x ++ Introduction to DNS ++ jgundi(at)aol.com ++ Andreas J Gundacker ++ ++ 39 ++ x ++ The X Display Manager ++ zimmer(at)online.de,wobo(at)frankfurt.netsurf.de++Karl-Heinz Zimmer, Wolfgang Bornath ++ ++ 40 ++ x ++ StarOffice for Linux ++ zimmer(at)online.de ++Karl-Heinz Zimmer ++ ++ # month:March1998 ++ March 1998 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page: Exploring the X Window Environment ++ luecke(at)zess.uni-siegen.de ++Franz-Josef Lücke ++ ++ 27 ++ x ++ Interview with Linus Torvalds ++ georgk(at)uni.de ++Georg Koester ++ ++ 25 ++ x ++ Interview with Miguel de Icaza ++ georgk(at)uni.de ++ Georg Koester ++ ++ 28 ++ x ++ OpenGL Programming: More about Lines ++ jwieland(at)bigfoot.de ++ Joachim Wieland ++ ++ 29 ++ x ++ GLUT Programming: Windows Management ++ luecke(at)zess.uni-siegen.de ++Franz-Josef Lücke ++ ++ 23 ++ x ++ Hardware Review: OpenGL & GLUT with Voodoo 3Dfx in Mind ++ ck(at)ix.heise.de ++ Christian Kirsch ++ ++ 30 ++ x ++ POVRAY I: First Steps ++ kai_debus(at)dierichs.de ++Kai Debus ++ ++ 31 ++ x ++ Lyx Review ++ luecke(at)zess.uni-siegen.de ++ Franz-Josef Lücke ++ ++ 32 ++ x ++ Building, Installing and Configuring sendmail 8.8.x ++ kai_debus(at)dierichs.de ++ Kai Debus ++ ++ 26 ++ x ++ Through the Window ++ wobo(at)frankfurt.netsurf.de ++ Wolfgang Bornath ++ ++ 33 ++ x ++ Graphical Photocomposition with Photoshop ++ wenzler(at)cityweb.de ++Sebastian Wenzler ++ ++ 34 ++ x ++ Graphical Photocomposition with The Gimp ++ wenzler(at)cityweb.de,zimmer(at)online.de ++ Sebastian Wenzler,Karl-Heinz Zimmer ++ ++ 24 ++ x ++ Configuring X ++ wobo(at)frankfurt.netsurf.de ++ Wolfgang Bornath ++ ++ # month:January1998 ++ January 1998 0 ++ x ++ Title Page: Learn How to Program 3D Graphics ++ hr++ ++ ++ 14 ++ x ++ Mail From Our Readers ++hr ++ ++ ++ 15 ++ x ++ What is OpenGL ++ hr++ ++gskk ++ 16 ++ x ++ GLUT programming:Windows and Animations ++ hr++ ++gskk ++ 17 ++ x ++ OpenGL Programming:Simple Polygon Rendering ++ hr++ ++gskk ++ 18 ++ x ++ 3Dfx graphics card ++hr ++ ++gskk ++ 19 ++ x ++ Kernel Secrets ++ hr++ ++ ++ 20 ++ x ++ Debugging Code with ddd ++ hr++ ++ ++ 21 ++ x ++ Network Management and Monitoring with Linux ++hr ++ ++ ++ 22 ++ x ++ Getting Linux to Run a Computer with an Alpha CPU ++hr ++ ++ ++ 10 ++ x ++ Straight from the Horse's Mouth, Bill Gates on customer support ++hr ++ ++ ++ 11 ++ x ++ Enabling Profile on the Alpha ++hr ++ ++ ++ 12 ++ x ++ Setting Up a ZIP drive on an Alpha platform ++ hr++ ++ ++ 13 ++ x ++ ECC2-79 cracked: Alpha Linux did it ++hr ++ ++ ++ # month:November1997 ++ November 1997 # note 0 must be the index page: 0 ++ x ++ Title Page ++ ++ ++ ++ 1 ++ x ++ What is Linux? ++ kks++ ++ ++ 2 ++ x ++ Installation of Manpages-es ++jenslink(at)gmx.de ++Jens Link ++ hr++ 3 ++ x ++ Conneting to the Internet ++ jenslink(at)gmx.de ++ Jens Link ++ hr++ 4 ++ x ++ I got Linux Installed, What next? ++ hr++ ++ ++ 5 ++ x ++ Some Tips ++ hr ++ ++ ++ 6 ++ x ++ Making Shared Libraries ++ p.guehring(at)xpoint.at,p.guehring(at)poboxes.com++ Philipp Gühring ++ ++ 7 ++ x ++ PGP Under Linux ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 8 ++ x ++ Managing Your Mail with procmail ++ kks ++ ++ ++ 9 ++ x ++ Linux in Hospitals ++ katja(at)linuxfocus.org++Katja Korn ++ ++ #