Cross-Country Soaring 2004

   User Guide   


4.2  Online Software Updates

Beginning with version 4.0, Cross-Country Soaring (CCS) can check (via the new CCS Control Panel) for software updates on the web. In the past, the only way you knew an update was available was to periodically visit the CCS web site or to hear about it from another CCS user or on an online "virtual" soaring organization's web site. You can now easily check for updates any time you want, or you can just let CCS automatically check for you periodically.

Checking for Updates Manually

To manually check for software updates on the web, simply connect to the internet and click Check for updates in the Help menu.

Automatic Update Checks

CCS Control Panel will periodically automatically check for updates for you, so even if you never manually check for updates, the program will attempt to keep itself up-to-date. These automatic checks happen in the background, so you won't be bothered unless an available update is found.


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