Cross-Country Soaring 2004

   User Guide   


4.  Setup

Below are setup instructions followed by a list and description of some of the Cross-Country Soaring (CCS) 2004 files.  If you're upgrading from a previous version of CCS, see the special upgrade notes after following the instructions below.

Setup Instructions

1.      Double-click Setup.exe, and follow the on-screen prompts.  You may use the default installation location or choose a different one.  The CCS User Guide will refer to whatever installation folder you choose as the CCS program folder.

2.      If you do not already have FSUIPC installed or are using an earlier FSUIPC version than 3.44, then you need to install version 3.44 or newer.  If you do not already have FSUIPC installed, then simply place FSUIPC.dll (found in the CCS program folder’s FSUIPC subfolder) in your FS Modules folder.  (See below for additional instructions.)  FSUIPC is an add-on program that provides access to certain FS internal variables (like the one CCS uses for the vertical speed of the air) and is required for the use of CCS 2004.  FSUIPC registration is not required but is encouraged to let Mr. Dowson know how much the work he did especially for CCS 2004 is appreciated.  FSUIPC Ver. 3.44 introduced a new variable created specifically to enable CCS 2004 3.0’s improved interaction with scenery (BGL) lift.  If you currently have an earlier version of FSUIPC, see the special reinstallation/upgrade instructions in the FSUIPC User Guide, and upgrade to FSUIPC 3.44 (or later).

3.      OPTIONAL:  Place the Keel Mtn Slope Soaring.flt (& .wx) files (found in the CCS program folder’s Slope Soaring Demo subfolder) in your …My Documents\Flight Simulator Files folder.  These are saved flight and weather condition files for demonstrating CCS’ slope lift/sink creation capabilities.

FSUIPC Special Instructions

1.      If you already have FSUIPC installed but it’s an earlier version than 3.44, then remove your current FSUIPC.dll from the FS Modules folder.  Do not leave it in the Modules folder after simply renaming it.  Remove fsuipc.ini from the Modules folder, too.

2.      If you have not registered FSUIPC, then manually register CCS with FSUIPC.  CCS attempts to automatically register itself with FSUIPC, but this process has been found to be imperfect.  To manually register CCS, select FSUIPC… from the FS Modules menu, and click “Register an application program”.  Then enter program name “ccs2004” and key “XA6X3EAI40Y7”.  Copy (from here) and paste this key (without the quotes) into FSUIPC to avoid a typographical error.

CUMULUS! Special Instructions

NOTE: If you’re already a CUMULUS! user, you don’t need to do this.  You’ve already placed these files in an appropriate FS scenery folder.

If you intend to use CUMULUS! scenery clouds in conjunction with CCS thermals, copy (or move) cld2.bmp and cld6.bmp from the CCS program folder’s CUMULUS!316c subfolder to your FS Addon Scenery\texture folder.  If you aren’t sure you want to do this and just want to get started quickly, skip this for now.  You can do it later when you decide to start using CUMULUS! clouds with CCS thermals.

File Descriptions

ccs2004.exe – This is the main program, which interacts with FS via FSUIPC.

CCS Control Panel.exe – This is the program used to control CCS settings and to launch CCS.

ccs.ini – This is a program configuration file used to control certain parameters of operation.  This file can be shared with other users in order to share customized soaring conditions.

local.dat – This is another program configuration file used to control certain parameters of operation.  Unlike ccs.ini, you probably won’t find a reason to share this file with other users.  It contains things like your language preference and certain file paths that are likely unique to your computer.

Import & Slope Data – These folders are part of the CCS slope data “library”.  Do not change the names of either of these folders or of the Import\Archive folder.  The Slope Data folder contains sample slope data for use with the included Keel Mtn Slope Soaring demo flight.  See The Slope Data Library if you want to know more about the CCS slope data library.

CUMULUS!316c – This folder contains a minimal installation of Peter Luerkens’ CUMULUS! program as needed by CCS for creating FS cumulus clouds atop CCS thermals.

User Guide – This folder contains the web format CCS user guide.  You can open the user guide via the “Cross-Country Soaring 2004” group in your Windows Start menu.

Default Settings – This folder contains copies of the default ccs.ini and local.dat settings files.  These are included to make it easy to revert to the default settings after customizing settings.

CCS Upgrade Notes

If you're upgrading from a previous version of CCS, see the special upgrade notes.


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