Cross-Country Soaring 2004

   User Guide   


4.1  Upgrade Notes

For a detailed list of changes in Cross-Country Soaring (CCS) version 4.0, see Version Notes.  If you're upgrading from a previous version of CCS, read this page for useful information on using existing CCS settings (stored in ccs.ini), slope data, and multi-player data files with version 4.0 of CCS.  If you aren't interested in using any of these with CCS 4.0, then skip this page.


The CCS 4.0 setup does not include upgrade support, so you were forced to install version 4.0 to a folder other than your existing (previous version) CCS program folder.  Below are discussions of each of the things from your previous version of CCS that you may want to use with version 4.0.

Program Settings (in ccs.ini)

The format and content of ccs.ini underwent a major change in version 4.0, so any ccs.ini from a previous version will not work with version 4.0.  To convert the settings saved in a previous version's ccs.ini for use with version 4.0, use the new CCS Control Panel (CP).  Enter the desired settings in CP, and they will be saved (in ccs.ini and local.dat in the CCS 4.0 program folder) in such a way that they can be used with CCS 4.0.

Slope Data

There has been no change in the format of CCS slope data files or the structure of the slope data "library" since slope lift was introduced in version 3.0. Therefore slope data from a previous version will work with version 4.0.  Here's how to copy all your existing slope data to the CCS 4.0 program folder so that it can be used with CCS 4.0:

1.      Copy all files from your previous version's Slope Data folder to the Slope Data folder in your CCS 4.0 program folder.

2.      Copy any files (not including the Archive folder) from your previous version's Import folder to the Import folder in your CCS 4.0 program folder.  Don't be surprised if there are no files here to copy.  The only files here will be either (1) any files you placed here since the last time you ran CCS or (2) the scan file placed here by CCS the last time you ran CCS (if it was last run to perform a topo scan).

3.      Copy any files you want to keep from your previous version's Import\Archive folder to the Import\Archive folder in your CCS 4.0 program folder.  These files are simply backup copies of slope data scan files you've imported in the past and are not necessary for the function of CCS.  Some users choose to keep these files in order to have a better understanding of what slope data they have imported into their slope data library.

Multi-Player Data Files

Multi-player data files from previous versions of CCS are not compatible with CCS 4.0, as several new user-customizable settings were added.  If you have a multi-player data file you want to use with CCS 4.0, however, it isn't that difficult to convert it.  Here's how:

1.      Copy the file to where ever you want to save CCS 4.0 multi-player data files (actually they're now known as "script files" as of version 4.0).  To make this the active script file, it must be directly in the CCS 4.0 program folder and must be named script.dat.

2.      Use CCS 4.0 to create a script file (see Creating a Script File) using the "No Thermiek Project File" option.  There's no need to alter any other CCS Control Panel settings.  Just use the defaults.

3.      Open the new script file you just created and the one you want to convert.  Manually change the settings in the new file's "header" (the top part of the file) to the values found in the old file.  You'll notice that there are some header settings in the new file that aren't in the old file.  Assuming you haven't tweaked these settings yet in the CCS Control Panel, they'll be set to reasonable default values.  For more about these new settings, see Customizing Soaring Conditions.

4.      Copy the entire header from the new file to the old file, overwriting the old file's header.  Make sure there are no fewer or no more blank lines in the old file's header than in the new file's header.  CCS requires exactly the right header format, including the number and placement of blank lines.

5.      Close the old file, saving changes.  Close and delete the new file.  The old file has now been converted for use with CCS 4.0.


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