[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 47, Volume 1, Parts 0 to 19]
[Revised as of October 1, 1999]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 47CFR18.305]

[Page 733-734]
                       TITLE 47--TELECOMMUNICATION
                     Subpart C--Technical Standards
Sec. 18.305  Field strength limits.

    (a) ISM equipment operating on a frequency specified in Sec. 18.301 
is permitted unlimited radiated energy in the band specified for that 
    (b) The field strength levels of emissions which lie outside the 
bands specified in Sec. 18.301, unless otherwise indicated, shall not 
exceed the following:

                                                           RF Power generated by  Field strength limit  Distance
             Equipment               Operating frequency     equipment (watts)           (uV/m)         (meters)
Any type unless otherwise           Any ISM frequency....  Below 500............  25..................       300
 specified (miscellaneous).                                500 or more..........  25 x SQRT(power/500)    \1\300
                                    Any non-ISM frequency  Below 500............  15..................       300
                                                           500 or more..........  15 x SQRT(power/500)    \1\300
Industrial heaters and RF           On or below 5,725 MHz  Any..................  10..................     1,600
 stabilized arc welders.            Above 5,725 MHz......  Any..................  (\2\)...............     (\2\)
Medical diathermy.................  Any ISM frequency....  Any..................  25..................       300
                                    Any non-ISM frequency  Any..................  15..................       300
Ultrasonic........................  Below 490 kHz........  Below 500............  2,400/F(kHz)........       300
                                                           500 or more..........  2,400/F(kHz) x          \3\300
                                    490 to 1,600 kHz.....  Any..................  24,000/F(kHz).......        30
                                    Above 1,600 kHz......  Any..................  15..................        30
Induction cooking ranges..........  Below 90 kHz.........  Any..................  1,500...............     \4\30
                                    On or above 90 kHz...  Any..................  300.................     \4\30
\1\ Field strength may not exceed 10 <greek-m>V/m at 1600 meters. Consumer equipment operating below 1000 MHz is
  not permitted the increase in field strength otherwise permitted here for power over 500 watts.
\2\ Reduced to the greatest extent possible.
\3\ Field strength may not exceed 10 <greek-m>V/m at 1600 meters. Consumer equipment is not permitted the
  increase in field strength otherwise permitted here for over 500 watts.
\4\ Induction cooking ranges manufactured prior to February 1, 1980, shall be subject to the field strength
  limits for miscellaneous ISM equipment.

    (c) The field strength limits for RF lighting devices shall be the 

                                       Field strength limit at 30 meters
           Frequency (MHz)                      (<greek-m>V/m)
Non-consumer equipment:
    30-88...........................                  30
    88-216..........................                  50
    216-1000........................                  70
Consumer equipment:
    30-88...........................                  10
    88-216..........................                  15
    216-1000........................                  20

[[Page 734]]


    1. The tighter limit shall apply at the boundary between two 
frequency ranges.
    2. Testing for compliance with these limits may be made at closer 
distances, provided a sufficient number of measurements are taken to 
plot the radiation pattern, to determine the major lobes of radiation, 
and to determine the expected field strength level at 30, 300, or 1600 
meters. Alternatively, if measurements are made at only one closer fixed 
distance, then the permissible field strength limits shall be adjusted 
using 1/d as an attenuation factor.

[50 FR 36070, Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 17970, May 16, 1986; 52 
FR 43197, Nov. 10, 1987]