Hello All, The following is a few Internet operational mailing lists that you, as professionals involved with the Internet in Asia, are invited to join and participate. These mailing lists are excellent sources of information and current developments. You can sign on to these list at any time and sign off when you need to focus on other work, then sign back on the mailing list when you have more time. If you know of other useful Internet operations mailing list that are not listed, please let me know and I'll add them to the list. Thanks, Barry ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cisco Help - Mailing list for people who use Cisco Equipment ---------------------------------------------------------------- CISCO NSP --------- A new mailing list has been created to specifically discuss Internet Service Providers & Cisco Systems products: To subscribe, send a message to: cisco-nsp-request@puck.nether.net with a message body containing: subscribe cisco-nsp Scope: Welcome to the cisco-nsp mailing list. This list was created to provide a forum for Internet Service Providers to discuss issues specific to cisco Systems product line implementations, both hardware and software related. While this list is not an official support vehicle of Cisco Systems, Inc., both general and specific discussions are encouraged, and critical support issues should be directed at the usual support channels. Cisco-NAS --------- The Cisco-NAS list is for general discussions of Network Access Servers (and related equipment) produced by Cisco Systems. This includes, but is not limited to, the Cisco AS5100, AS5200, AS5300, and AS5800. Few discussions are more off-topic than those that discuss whether a particular topic is off the topic of the list. If the discussion wanders too far away from the target idea, then I'll drop you a line. Archives of this list are available at http://cisco-nas.datasys.net/ There, you'll find them in HTML format, and searchable. Mark Lindsey maintains the list and the archive. You can email him at cisco-nas-queries@mark.datasys.net To subscribe, send a message to cisco-nas-request@datasys.net with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message. Cisco@Spot ---------- This list is for discussion of the network products from cisco Systems, Inc; Discussions about operation, problems, features, topology, configuration, protocols, routing, loading, serving, etc are all encouraged. Other topics include vendor relations, new product announcements, availability of fixes and new features, and discusion of new requirements and desirables. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, along with other administrative issues concerning the list should be sent to: cisco-request@spot.colorado.edu Archives are available via anonymous ftp from spot.Colorado.EDU in the sub-directory "cisco". Messages to be forwarded to the list readership should be sent to: cisco@spot.colorado.edu This list is "slightly" moderated in that you must be validated to send mail to the list. This eliminates a lot of the misdirected administrative traffic. When you send your first message to the list, you will get an automatic reply saying that your message has been delayed. If your message looks as though it was intended for the list readership, it will probably be forwarded without any further action on your part. (The list coordinator may respond, asking if you really intended to have your message forwarded to the list readership.) Once you are validated, your messages will be redirected to the whole list without further interference. This list also feeds the comp.dcom.sys.cisco usenet news group. Cisco ITS Newsletter -------------------- To unsubscribe, reply to this message without changing the subject line and enter "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the body of the e-mail. To subscribe to this e-mail newsletter, send your request to itsnewsletter@ciscoemail.com. We are striving to make the ITS Newsletter a valuable source of information and we appreciate any feedback you may have. Please send your comments and suggestions to itsnews@cisco.com. We look forward to hearing from you! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISP Operations - Mailing List for ISP Collaboration/Coordination ---------------------------------------------------------------- IEPG iepg@iepg.org --------------------- The IEPG is an Internet operational group intended to assist Internet Service Providers to interoperate within the Global Internet. The goals and activity domains of the IEPG are described in the IEPG Charter, and are summarized in RFC1690. (http://www.iepg.org) Subscription requests can be sent to iepg-request@iepg.org NANOG nanog@merit.edu ----------------------- NANOG is the North American Network Operations Group. Even though it is chartered to focus on North American issues, global Internet issues are periodically discussed. Many Internet engineers in Asia will "lurk" (sign on and just watch) to keep an eye on the happening in the US Internet. (http://www.nanog.org) To subscribe, send a message to: nanog-request@merit.edu with a message body containing: subscribe APOPS apops@apnic.net ----------------------- Asia Pacific Operations will hopefully be the equivalent to NANOG. It is currently sponsored by APNIC to help get it going. If you have questions or concerns regarding Internet operations in Asia Pacific, please sign on and post. To subscribe, send a message to: apops-request@apnic.net with a message body containing: subscribe EOF eof-list@ripe.net ------------------------- The mailing list of the RIPE European Operators Forum Working Group. This mailing list discusses issues around European ISP coordination. (http://www.ripe.net/wg/eof/index.html) To subscribe, send a message to: majordomo@ripe.net with a message body containing: subscribe eof-list Japan - JANOG janog@janog.gr.jp --------------------------------- JANOG mean JApan Network Operators' Group. http://www.janog.gr.jp (Japanese) http://www.janog.gr.jp/index-e.html (English) You can subscribe to The JANOG Mailling list. If you want to subscribed to the JANOG mailling list, you may sent to janog-ctl@janog.gr.jp to write "subscribe" in mail-body. If you have been subscribed this mailling list, the JANOG Mailling list will send welcome message to you. For more information, ask secretariat@janog.gr.jp Korea - NOG nog@nog.or.kr ----------------------------- Korea Network Operators' Group & Measurement sub-Working Group http://www.nog.or.kr South Africa ZANOG zanog@zanog.org.za ------------------------------------------ Subscribe via zanog-request@zanog.org.za or majordomo@zanog.org.za Latin Amteria ENREDO enredo@reacciun.ve ------------------------------------------ Others ------ Australia ISPs aussie-isp@aussie.net Australian NAP nap@intiaa.asn.au Bangldesh ISP List bdinet@bangla.org Bangladesh Internet Community bdinet@outcast.com Hong Kong NSP Mailing List hk-nsp@cuhk.edu.hk Indonesia ISP apjii@rs.net.id http://www.apjii.or.id/ Philippines ISPs ph-isp@iphil.net New Zealand ISPs nznog@list.waikato.ac.nz Singapore IASP Working Technical Group iasp-wg@pacific.net.sg ----------------------------------------------------------------- Security Coordination - Mailing List with Security Alerts/Notices ----------------------------------------------------------------- CERT ---- Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a group commissioned to help prevent and track security problems on the Internet. Their 'cert-advisory' mailing list is a essential for Internet operators. To be added to the mailing list for CERT advisories and bulletins, send your email address to: cert-advisory-request@cert.org In the subject line, type SUBSCRIBE your-email-address CERT advisories and bulletins are posted on the USENET news group comp.security.announce CERT publications, information about FIRST representatives, and other security-related information are available for anonymous FTP from http://www.cert.org/ ftp://info.cert.org/pub/ If you wish to send sensitive incident or vulnerability information to CERT staff by electronic mail, it is strongly advise you to encrypt your message. CERT can support a shared DES key or PGP. Contact the CERT staff for more information. Location of CERT PGP key ftp://info.cert.org/pub/CERT_PGP.key APCERT ------ Asia & Pacific CERT is a effort by individual through out Asia & Pacific to coordinate CERT, FIRST, and security work throughout the region. It is a working group co-sponsored by APNG and APNIC. To subscribe, send a message to: apcert-request@lists.singnet.com.sg with the word "subscribe" in the message body. Other Mailing Lists ------------------- inet-access-request@earth.com (high volume of messages, 2000 or more ISPs) linuxisp-request@friendly.jeffnet.org (medium volume for ISPs using Linux) freebsd-isp-request@freebsd.org (low volume for ISPs using Freebsd) subscribe IAP Your Name to listserv@vma.cc.nd.edu (low volume general ISP list) or send the message subscribe OS2-ISP Your Name to listserv@stat.com (medium volume list for ISPs using OS/2) or send the message subscribe Apple-Net-Servers to majordomo@public.lists.apple.com (medium volume list for ISPs using Macs)