Charter of Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team (APEET)

23 Aug 2005 Ver.2.0

Mailing List:

1. Definition

(1) APEET is not an organization but a project team. It is an informal group with no formal entity.
(2) APEET engineers should be supported by their respective organizations.
(3) The cost for the collaborations should be voluntarily supported by the participating organizations.
(4) APEET will be dissolved if and when the project has been terminated.

2. Membership

(1) Founding members are CNNIC, JPRS, KRNIC, SGNIC and TWNIC.
(2) APEET has two level of membership.

(3) To become Full Member, there must be "NO' objections from existing APEET members
(4) To become Observer Member, you need one Full Member recommendation and another ccTLD Full Member support.

3. Objectives

(1) APEET members may conduct some ENUM/SIP trials.
(2) APEET members may share ENUM software together although source code sharing is not mandated.
(3) APEET members share the common "golden root" APENUM.ORG for the trials.
(4) APEET members will do ENUM/SIP outreach activities, such as ENUM/SIP workshop and live trial at APRICOT, IETF, etc.
(5) APEET members will monitor the development of Carrier ENUM.

4. Composition of the APENUM.ORG

(1) APENUM.ORG primary is hosted by APNIC and the secondaries are jointly hosted by its Full Members.
2) The numbers APEET assigns under APENUM.ORG are NOT E.164 (Phone) numbers. They are identifiers, much like OID, protocol numbers, IP address etc, for the use of the technical trials only. Official E.164 (Phone) numbers should and must be obtained from the respective regulators and issued under
(3) Each Full Member is entitled to choose only one 1 to 3 digit number of their choice under APENUM.ORG. The number selection is the sole discrete of the members and not tied to any principle or published list.
(4) Observer Members may request for number delegation subjected to no objections from Full Members.

5. Milestones

 Aug 05 APAN 2005 Taipei Live Trial
 Nov 05 IETF #64 Live Trial (and Live Trial BoF)
 Feb 06 APRICOT 2006 Live Trial + ENUM/SIP track
 Aug 06 APAN 2006 Singapore
 Feb 05  2nd APEET meeting at Kyoto (during APRICOT2005)
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Last edited August 23, 2005 3:34 pm by Jseng (diff)