Free and Open Source Software Asia-Pacific Consultation (FOSSAP II)
UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (UNDP-APDIP)
Intel Corporation
National ICT Development Authority (NiDA)
Open Forum of Cambodia
Siem Reap, Cambodia
1-4 September 2005
Day One 1 September 2005
Inaugural Session
Welcome and introduction to FOSSAP
Shahid Akhtar UNDP-APDIP
Keynote Address
Deputy Prime Minister Sok An Royal Government of Cambodia
General address
H.E. Phu Leewood National ICT Development Authority
Special Address
Richard M. Stallman Free Software Foundation
FOSS and Government and Public Sector
Progress of Chinese Government on the development of FOSS
Min Gong Chinese Co-Create Association China
FOSS Activities of National Institute for Smart Government
Sai Sandeep Krishna Paidi NISG India
Viet Nam's OSS Project
Nguyen Trung Quynh National Project on OSS Viet Nam
FOSS and Education 
Sakura Project
Tuul Davaa JMITA Mongolia
Ganesha Project
Kamal Raj Subedi Nepal
Free/Open Source Software Foundation of Pakistan
Dr. M Anwar-ur-Rehman Pasha Pakistan
FOSS in Pacific Island Countries
Marko Schutz University of South Pacific Fiji Islands
FOSS in South Asia and South-East Asia
Frederick Noronha Bytes for All India
Open Content
Lawrence Liang Alternative Law Forum India
FOSS initiatives of Primary Care Doctor's Organisation
Molly Cheah Malaysia