Promoting interoperability standards for broadband wireless access

Technical information: 2-11 GHz

In early 2003, the IEEE 802.16 standard was expanded with the adoption of the 802.16a amendment, focused on Broadband Wireless Access in the frequencies from 2 to 11GHz. Given the charter of the WiMAX forum, to promote certification and interoperability for Microwave Access around the globe, WiMAX agreed to expand and include the 802.16a standard in terms of addressing testing and conformance issues.

The WiMAX 2-11 GHz Technical Working Group (TWG) has the mandate of creating testing and conformance documents as contributions to IEEE and ETSI standards bodies in support of the IEEE 802.16a and ETSI HiperMAN standards. Although WiMAX is actively working on and will produce the actual test documents, an authorized and independent laboratory that has been certified by WiMAX will conduct actual testing.

System Profiles for 2 - 11 GHz

The WiMAX 2-11GHz TWG is currently defining MAC and PHY System Profiles for IEEE 802.16a and HiperMAN standards. The MAC profiles that are being developed include IP based versions for both WirelessMAN (Licensed) and WirelessHUMAN (License-exempt).

While the IEEE 802.16a amendment has several physical layer profiles, the WiMAX forum through its 2-11 GHz TWG is focusing on the 256 point FFT OFDM PHY mode as its initial and primary interoperability mode. Various channel rasters covering typical spectrum allocations in both licensed and license exempt bands around the globe have been chosen, all supporting the 256-point FFT OFDM PHY mode of operation.

In addition to System Profiles other testing and conformance documents will be produced as part of the task of enabling certification and interoperability. These include the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma, Test Suite Structure & Test Plan (TSS&TP), and Abstract Test Suite (ATS).

Members of WiMAX have the right of joining the TWG and contributing to the selection and development of the above referenced testing documents and test suites.