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1. Corporate VSAT Network (Simplex or Duplex service)

a. High Speed Internet Connection / IP service (Symetric / Asymetric)

High-speed, one-hop Internet (IP) connectivity solution via satellite.

Served at data rates from 64Kbps to 45Mbps and can be configured as Simplex; asymmetrical or symmetrical Duplex; and at guaranteed committed information rates (CIR). By using satellites, guarantees ISP, PTT, and other providers are just one-hop away from the Tier-1 (US, Europe or HongKong) backbone - bypassing Internet congestion. It also provides the immediate infrastructure to reach any location instantly as well as elegantly handle the streaming media, audio clips and bandwidth-intensive files that business and home-users download today.

It is delivered via Single Channel per Carrier (SCPC) Circuits or DVB Broadcast Platform/MCPC, depending on which option is most efficient per application.

•  Speeds from 64Kbps to 45Mbps
•  One-hop from Tier-1 backbone
•  Simplex
•  Duplex, asymmetrical and symmetrica
•  Multi-pop bandwidth sharing (among remote sites).
•  Static or BGP routing.
•  Guaranteed 1:1 CIR to Tier-1 backbone.
•  Secure access to traffic graphs.
•  24x7x365 support Effortless upgrades, and superior bandwidth management.

b. Equipment Sales / Rental

Count on us to provide solution from designing, to equipment provisions, to service activation. We offer products from a dynamic portfolio of only the most proven and reliable equipment to deliver innovative and cost-effective turn-key solution.

2. Internet Bandwidth Wholesaler at Cyber Building, Jakarta.

Our Network Access Point (NAP) facility in Cyber Building includes 3 large teleports, comprehensive network facility and monitoring center provides Quality of Service to customers with easy and cost effective startup cost.

Our network at strategic location is easy to reach by customer with only UTP connection. Located at GSD, Cyber Building Basement Floor http://www.gsd.net.id and Internet Data Centra (IDC) Indonesia http://www.idc.co.id , DTP is present at two widely known data center in Indonesia, so whichever data center you choose we are just a UTP connection away.

Following solutions delivered to meet your requirements:

•  Internet Connection / IP service (Symmetric / Asymmetric)
•  Teleport and Space Segment
•  Virtual Private Network
•  International Private Line Circuit(IPLC)
•  Broadcast Service

3. IT Integration Services.

We design, install, commission and maintain your IT Infrastructure.