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- Products & Service for Retail Customer

  - Telephone New Line
  - Local Calls
  - Domestic Long Distance Calls
  - International Long Distance Calls
  - Pre-paid Cards
  Phone Features
  - Call Forwarding (Lacak)
  - Call Waiting (Nada Sela)
  - Tri-Party Call Service (Trimitra)
  - Call Abbreviation (Sandi Nada)
  - Caller Line Identification (KLIP)
  - Hot Line Delay (Andara)
  - Post-Paid SIM Card (Kartu Halo)
  - Pre-Paid SIM Card (Kartu Simpati Nusantara)
  Paid TV Service
  - Cable TV
  - Satellite TV
  Internet Connectivity and Web
  - Dial Up Service (TELKOMNet Instan)
  - KIOSTron Web Hosting
  - KIOSTron Mail Hosting