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E-Mail Listing
How Do I ?


The club has many activities and membership in FISTS is not required to participate, just a love of Morse! All FISTS activities are designed to promote camaraderie among members of the club and help hams hone and improve their Morse skills.


FISTS members can be found on or near any frequency ending in .x58 (.058, .158, .258, etc)

Here are recommended calling frequencies by band. REMEMBER, these are recommended CALLING frequencies and QSO's should be moved to another frequency.

2m     144.058 MHz
6m       50.058 MHz
10m*    28.058 MHz
12m     24.918 MHz
15m*    21.058 MHz
17m     18.085 MHz
20m*    14.058 MHz
30m     10.118 MHz
40m*      7.028 MHz  --  All IARU Regions
40m       7.058 MHz  --  IARU Region 2
80m*      3.558 MHz
160m*    1.808 MHz


* Note 1:  The calling frequencies for 10m, 15m, 20m, 40m - All IARU regions, 80m, and 160m, are only 2 kHz. below QRP calling frequencies (7.030 MHz is the QRP calling frequency in Europe).  Please only QSY *down* from these frequencies.


U.S. Novice sub-bands
10m     28.158 MHz
15m     21.158 MHz
40m       7.118 MHz
80m       3.708 MHz


Note 2:  Please use the Novice sub-band calling frequencies as much as possible.  It will benefit Novices, and also provide support for retaining the spectrum.

Weekly Nets

Sunday Century Award Net
1500 EST/2000 UTC
1500 EDT/1900 UTC

Sunday Slow Speed Chat
1700 UTC

Tuesday Slow Traffic Net
2100 EST/0200 UTC
2100 EDT/0100 UTC

Thursday Slow Traffic Net
2100 EST/0200 UTC
2100 EDT/0100 UTC

Saturday QSO Groups
2000 UTC

2300 UTC

NOTE: Daylight Savings Time (DT) runs from 0200 local time the first Sunday in April through 0200 local time the last Sunday in October

We now have four "SPRINTS" each year, on the second Saturday in February, May, July, and October .  These events are a CW free-for-all, from 1700-2100 UTC. Click HERE for the rules and scoring information.

The first week in September we have a "Straight Key" Week. Click HERE for more information.

There is a "Code Buddies" program which matches up experienced operators with new ones that want to develop their skills. To volunteer contact the program manager Nick, K3NY. For more information, visit The Code Buddies Information Page

The club sponsors two awards. The "Century Award", awarded to those that earn 100 points by working FISTS stations around the world, and the FISTS WAS award. Click HERE for more information on these awards.  Check sheets are available to keep track of your contacts for these awards and are available for downloading on the Awards Page.