40 Watt Amplifier ----------------- This is the start of a leet 40 watt amp, with full protection and computer control. Notes ----- - Use silver mica caps in RF sections even better are metal clad micas (www.rfparts.com) - Use non-inductive resistors (metal oxide, most metal film) in RF sections and for parasitic resistors - Use a large ground plane - Tune for EFFICIENCY, not for high rf output - Don't run parts at their maximum ratings - Use BNC connectors below 5 watts, N connector above DON'T USE PL-259/SO-239 - nte320 appears to be a replacement for the mrf240 - mrf238 = 2n6084 = blw60 - the led in the ipa does not behave linearly, so dont use it for power adjust, just as a indicator for rf input - bipoler RF amps are dead. use mosfets