Index of /orari/library/library-sw-hw/gps-1/gpsmap/wayp2shp/wayp3shp - convert Waypoint+ files to ESRI Shapefiles_files/

aboutme_classic_bullets.gif                        05-Feb-2009 06:36                 326
aboutme_classic_grnbullet.gif                      05-Feb-2009 06:36                 101
aboutme_classic_horzline.gif                       05-Feb-2009 06:36                  83
aboutme_classic_myphoto.gif                        05-Feb-2009 06:36                 964
aboutme_classic_vertline.gif                       05-Feb-2009 06:36                  76
c.gif                                              05-Feb-2009 06:36                  55
geov2.js                                           05-Feb-2009 06:36                 635
jttaylornet.gif                                    05-Feb-2009 06:36                2056
mc.js                                              05-Feb-2009 06:36                 407
pu5geo.js                                          05-Feb-2009 06:36                1958
serv.gif                                           05-Feb-2009 06:36                  43
visit.gif                                          05-Feb-2009 06:36                  85
ygIELib9.js                                        05-Feb-2009 06:36                6659