MailScanner Installation Guide — SpamAssassin
SpamAssassin (currently on V2.60) can be a bit of a pig to install, so here
is a guide of what I last did (on a Cobalt RaQ as it happened) to install it.
- Download Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60.tar.gz from into
somewhere sensible such as /root or /tmp.
- If the site is down, search Google for the file and you'll find a copy.
- # perl -MCPAN -e shell
- Whenever it asks for manual configuration, say no.
- cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy ask
- Stops it running away and installing loads of extras.
- cpan> install Time::HiRes
- cpan> install Net::DNS
- cpan> quit
- # tar xzf Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60.tar.gz
- # cd Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60
- # perl Makefile.PL
- # make
- You may now get some errors about pod2text. If you do, then do this
- # ln -s /usr/bin/pod2man /usr/bin/pod2text
- # make
- # make test
- This will fail horribly due to the lack of the file Pod/ so now do
this to install it:
- # perl -MCPAN -e shell
- cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy ask
- cpan> install Pod::Usage
- cpan> quit
- # make test
- This time, the tests should succeed. They can take a while.
- # make install
You now have installed SpamAssassin. The next step is to configure it and
- In /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf, I would advise you set "Log Spam =
yes" to start with.
- You will of course need "Use SpamAssassin = yes".
- If you don't have a very fast link, increase "SpamAssassin Timeout" to
nearer 20.
Then just kill and restart MailScanner and you're up and running.
(This will print out the pids of the MailScanner
Kill those pids with the "kill" command
Julian Field