MailScanner Installation Guide - Linux RPM If you run into problems installing MailScanner, please ask for help on the mailing list <../index.html#mailinglist>. Please ensure you include your * Operating System and version * Perl version (Do "perl -v" to find out) * MailScanner version * SpamAssassin version * Installation info: rpm or tar, fresh install or update Assumptions and Pre-requisites For the purposes of this installation guide, it is assumed that you have installed a Linux server, including the packages * perl * sendmail * wget * unzip * gcc If you are missing any of these packages, you will find them all on the Linux installation CD-ROM. I also assume that you already have a mailserver which currently handles your incoming mail. For the sake of this description, this mail host will be called "*mailserver.your.domain*". This distribution is provided as a tar file full of RPM packages. You need to unpack the tar file using a command line tar xvf MailScanner-4.00.1-1.tar This will create a new directory, called something like *MailScanner-4.00.1-1*. Move into the new directory using the "*cd*" command. If you do an "*ls*" at this point, you will see a file called "**", which you need to run using a command ./ This will produce a very large amount of output, as it tries to build and install all the packages that MailScanner uses. Don't worry too much about what it prints out. If you are running a recent system such as RedHat 8 or Perl 5.8, some of the modules won't install successfully as they are already provided by your Perl installation. If it fails to install the MIME-tools module, then something has gone wrong and you should look back through the script's output and try to determine what failed. The last thing it will do is install the *tnef* package, followed by MailScanner itself. It will then print a few instructions for you showing the commands needed to start MailScanner running. My advice is to write down these commands, and then take a look through */etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf* to set up the configuration options for your environment, such as which virus scanner to use. There is 1 job left, installing Sophos <#sophos>. You can then start MailScanner <#running>. Sophos The second job is to install the Sophos anti-virus package. Assuming you have this on CD, or have downloaded it from Sophos' web site , login as root if you haven't already done so and change into the directory in which you have a copy of it. This should either contain a file called "**" or a directory "*sav-install*". Run the command /usr/sbin/Sophos.install and Sophos will be installed in /usr/local/Sophos for you. It will also attempt to update your copy of Sophos to use all the latest virus identity (.IDE) files from the Sophos web site. Starting MailScanner The MailScanner will automatically start the next time you reboot the PC, or else you can start it immediately with the commands service sendmail stop chkconfig sendmail off chkconfig --level 2345 MailScanner on service MailScanner start ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Julian Field