Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf - SpamAssassin configuration file


  # a comment
  rewrite_subject                 1
  full PARA_A_2_C_OF_1618         /Paragraph .a.{0,10}2.{0,10}C. of S. 1618/i
  describe PARA_A_2_C_OF_1618     Claims compliance with senate bill 1618
  header FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS      From =~ /\d+[a-z]+\d+\S*@/i
  describe FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS    From: contains numbers mixed in with letters
  score A_HREF_TO_REMOVE          2.0
  lang es describe FROM_FORGED_HOTMAIL Forzado From: simula ser de


SpamAssassin is configured using some traditional UNIX-style configuration files, loaded from the /usr/share/spamassassin and /etc/mail/spamassassin directories.

The # character starts a comment, which continues until end of line, and whitespace in the files is not significant.

Paths can use ~ to refer to the user's home directory.

Where appropriate, default values are listed in parentheses.


Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam; it also helps if they are addresses of big companies with lots of lawyers. This way, if spammers impersonate them, they'll get into big trouble, so it doesn't provide a shortcut around SpamAssassin.

Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so, *, or * will all work. Regular expressions are not used for security reasons.

Multiple addresses per line is OK. Multiple whitelist_from lines is also OK.

Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as non-spam, but which the user doesn't want. Same format as whitelist_from.

If the given address appears in the To: or Cc: headers, mail will be whitelisted. Useful if you're deploying SpamAssassin system-wide, and don't want some users to have their mail filtered. Same format as whitelist_from.

There are three levels of To-whitelisting, whitelist_to, more_spam_to and all_spam_to. Users in the first level may still get some spammish mails blocked, but users in all_spam_to should never get mail blocked.

See above.

See above.

required_hits n.nn (default: 5)
Set the number of hits required before a mail is considered spam. n.nn can be an integer or a real number.

auto_report_threshold n.nn (default: 30)
How many hits before a mail is automatically reported to blacklisting services like Razor. Be very careful with this; you really should manually verify the spamminess of a mail before reporting it.

Assign a score to a given test. Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers. SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is the symbolic name used by SpamAssassin as a handle for that test; for example, 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'.

rewrite_subject { 0 | 1 } (default: 1)
By default, the subject lines of suspected spam will be tagged. This can be disabled here.

subject_tag STRING ... (default: *****SPAM*****)
Text added to the Subject: line of mails that are considered spam, if rewrite_subject is 1.

report_header { 0 | 1 } (default: 0)
By default, SpamAssassin will include its report in the body of suspected spam. Enabling this causes the report to go in the headers instead. Using 'use_terse_report' with this is recommended.

use_terse_report { 0 | 1 } (default: 0)
By default, SpamAssassin uses a fairly long report format. Enabling this uses a shorter format which includes all the information in the normal one, but without the superfluous explanations.

defang_mime { 0 | 1 } (default: 1)
By default, SpamAssassin will change the Content-type: header of suspected spam to ``text/plain''. This is a safety feature. If you prefer to leave the Content-type header alone, set this to 0.

skip_rbl_checks { 0 | 1 } (default: 0)
By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. If your ISP already does this for you, set this to 1.

check_mx_attempts n (default: 3)
By default, SpamAssassin checks the From: address for a valid MX three times, waiting 5 seconds each time.

check_mx_delay n (default 5)
How many seconds to wait before retrying an MX check.

ok_locales xx [ yy zz ... ] (default: en)
Which locales (country codes) are considered OK to receive mail from. Mail using character sets used by languages in these countries, will not be marked as possibly being spam in a foreign language.

SpamAssassin will try to determine the local locale, in order to determine which charsets should be allowed by default, but on some OSes it may not be able to do this effectively, requiring customisation.

All ISO-8859-* character sets, and Windows code page character sets, are already permitted by default.

The following locales use additional character sets, and are supported:



Cyrillic charsets


Chinese (both simplified and traditional)

So to simply allow all character sets through without giving them points, use

        ok_locales      ja ko ru th zh
auto_whitelist_threshold n (default: 3)
How many times a mail-sender must get a mail through as non-spam before their address is whitelisted.

describe SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME description ...
Used to describe a test. This text is shown to users in the detailed report.

report ...some text for a report...
Set the report template which is attached to spam mail messages. See the configuration file in /usr/share/spamassassin for an example.

If you change this, try to keep it under 76 columns (inside the the dots below). Bear in mind that EVERY line will be prefixed with ``SPAM: '' in order to make it clear what's been added, and allow other filters to remove spamfilter modifications, so you lose 6 columns right there. Each report line appends to the existing template, so use clear-report-template to restart.

The following template items are supported, and will be filled out by SpamAssassin:

_HITS_: the number of hits the message triggered
_REQD_: the required hits to be considered spam
_SUMMARY_: the full details of what hits were triggered
_VER_: SpamAssassin version
_HOME_: SpamAssassin home URL
Clear the report template.

terse_report ...some text for a report...
Set the report template which is attached to spam mail messages, for the terse-report format. See the configuration file in /usr/share/spamassassin for an example.

Clear the terse-report template.

spamtrap ...some text for spamtrap reply mail...
A template for spam-trap responses. If the first few lines begin with Xxxxxx: yyy where Xxxxxx is a header and yyy is some text, they'll be used as headers. See the configuration file in /usr/share/spamassassin for an example.

Clear the spamtrap template.


These settings differ from the ones above, in that they are considered 'privileged'. Only users running spamassassin from their procmailrc's or forward files, or sysadmins editing a file in /etc/mail/spamassassin, can use them. spamd users cannot use them in their user_prefs files, for security and efficiency reasons.

header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME header op /pattern/modifiers [if-unset: STRING]
Define a test. SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is a symbolic test name, such as 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'. header is the name of a mail header, such as 'Subject', 'To', etc. 'ALL' can be used to mean the text of all the message's headers.

op is either =~ (contains regular expression) or !~ (does not contain regular expression), and pattern is a valid Perl regular expression, with modifiers as regexp modifiers in the usual style.

If the [if-unset: STRING] tag is present, then STRING will be used if the header is not found in the mail message.

header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([arguments])
Define a header eval test. name_of_eval_method is the name of a method on the Mail::SpamAssassin::EvalTests object. arguments are optional arguments to the function call.

body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers
Define a body pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression.

The 'body' in this case is the textual parts of the message body; any non-text MIME parts are stripped, and the message decoded from Quoted-Printable or Base-64-encoded format if necessary. All HTML tags and line breaks will be removed before matching.

body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
Define a body eval test. See above.

rawbody SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers
Define a raw-body pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression.

The 'raw body' of a message is the text, including all textual parts. The text will be decoded from base64 or quoted-printable encoding, but HTML tags and line breaks will still be present.

rawbody SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
Define a raw-body eval test. See above.

full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME /pattern/modifiers
Define a full-body pattern test. pattern is a Perl regular expression.

The 'full body' of a message is the un-decoded text, including all parts (including images or other attachments). SpamAssassin no longer tests full tests against decoded text; use rawbody for that.

full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
Define a full-body eval test. See above.

razor_config filename
Define the filename used to store Razor's configuration settings. Currently this is the same value Razor itself uses: ~/razor.conf.

auto_whitelist_path /path/to/file (default: ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist)
Automatic-whitelist directory or file. By default, each user has their own, in their ~/.spamassassin directory with mode 0700, but for system-wide SpamAssassin use, you may want to share this across all users.

auto_whitelist_file_mode (default: 0700)
The file mode bits used for the automatic-whitelist directory or file. Make sure this has the relevant execute-bits set (--x), otherwise things will go wrong.

user-scores-dsn DBI:databasetype:databasename:hostname:port
If you load user scores from an SQL database, this will set the DSN used to connect. Example: DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost

user_scores_sql_username username
The authorized username to connect to the above DSN.

user_scores_sql_password password
The password for the database username, for the above DSN.

spamphrase score phrase ...
A 2-word spam phrase, for the FREQ_SPAM_PHRASE test.

spamphrase-highest-score nnnnn
The highest score of any of the spamphrases. Used for scaling.


A line starting with the text lang xx will only be interpreted if the user is in that locale, allowing test descriptions and templates to be set for that language.


Mail::SpamAssassin spamassassin spamd