Known bugs / FAQ for amavis-perl & amavisd

How to report a problem ...

If you encounter any (installation) problems, please

  1. Re-read the documentation carefully
  2. Check the AMaViS FAQ for amavis-perl/amavisd (this page!)
  3. Check the amavis-user ML archive

If there is still no solution to your problem, your problem report should provide

Please read the amavis-user ML guidelines, too!


General issues

MTA specific-issues

NOTE: amavisd has to run under the choosen user id (i.e. amavis or vscan), not as root. So, if you get an error message such as "connection refused", amavisd is started incorrectly. You may use "su - userid -c "/usr/sbin/amavisd >/dev/null 2>&1", for SuSE Linux "startproc -u userid /usr/sbin/amavisd" or for RedHat Linux "daemon --user userid /usr/sbin/amavisd"





Please send questions, feedback and so on to our amavis-user mailing list.

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© 1997-2002
Fri Mar 8 19:22:12 2002
Codebase: Revision: v0.3.4 (Mon Feb 25 02:30:31 2002 by reniar)