ScannerDaemon Howto

The ScannerDaemon listens on localhost's port 8127 for absolute filenames and absolute directorynames. It scans the files/all files in the directory and reports 'OK' if no virus has been found or 'FOUND: <virusname>' if a virus has been detected.

Necessary software

You need an installed Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (JRE), . Every JRE >= 1.2 should be fine, but I just tested it with 1.3.1. You can get it from Sun at .

You do also need the 'virussignatures.txt' that came with the ScannerDaemon in the directory where you start the ScannerDaemon.


You start the ScannerDaemon simply by entering
java -jar ScannerDaemon.jar
If you did not forget the signatures, it should come up and listen on port 8127. You can also give the name of the signature file as a command-line parameter, like
java -jar ScannerDaemon.jar /opt/openantivirus/virussignatures.txt.signed
Hint: If you are running Linux and activated the executable Jar-file support documented in '/usr/src/linux/Documentation/java.txt', you can omit the 'java -jar' if you make the Jar-file executable.

Digital signature

The 'virussignatures.txt' is digitally signed from the OpenAntivirus project. This signature is checked automatically on startup and execution is aborted if the signature does not exist or is invalid. If you want to use your own signature file, you have to remove the last line (starting with '==') and start ScannerDaemon with the option '-nosignature'.


Now you can connect to port 8127 and send absolute filenames or absolute directorynames ended by <CR>/<LF>. Use 'telnet' or 'netcat' for this.

kurt@lobo:~ > telnet localhost 8127
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
SCAN /home/kurt/MTX.pif
FOUND: W95/Matrix.SCR (AntiVir)
Connection closed by foreign host.

kurt@lobo:~ > echo "SCAN /home/kurt/Fix2001.exe" | netcat localhost 8127
FOUND: TR/IWorm.Fix2001 (AntiVir)
Have fun!


You can also send files directly to the scanner. This is done by sending POST to the daemon. It answers with a port where you have to send the files to:

kurt@lobo:~> telnet localhost 8127
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Send data to port '34705' within 10 seconds.
kurt@lobo:~> cat eicar | netcat localhost 34705
FOUND: Eicar-Test-Signatur
The socket is closed if a virus is found, so be prepared for this.


Similar to POST, but with an additional port that echoes all data that has been scanned without finding a virus.
kurt@lobo:~> telnet localhost 8127
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Send/receive data to/from port '34709/34710' within 10 seconds.
Both sockets are closed if soon as a virus is found, so be prepared for this.
$Id: ScannerDaemon-Howto.html,v 1.5 2002/01/12 14:08:02 kurti Exp $