Here you will find tools for deploying your
Honeynet. All software created by The Honeynet Project is
OpenSource and falls under the Revised
BSD License. Software listed here not developed by the
Honeynet Project must at a minimum be OpenSource. If you are
deploying a honeynet, we assume you have read and understand
the concepts, risks and issues disscussed in KYE:
Honeynets. If you identify any bugs, issues, or have any
suggestions with the code on this site, please use our Bug Server. You can find
all advisories we have released in the Advisories
NOTE: The Honeynet Project makes no
warranties, nor can it be held responsibe for damages caused
by any tools on this website.
Last Updated: 08 August, 2005 |
Honeywall CDROM The Honeywall
CDROM combines all the functionality below onto a robust
CDROM instllation solution. Based on our latest GenIII
technologies, it automates the process of installation while
giving you all the tools you need to easily manage and analyze
your honeynet deployments.
Data Control Tools used to
control and contain attacker activity.
- Snort_inline:
Modifications to Snort that can block or modify attacks
based on matching signatures.
- SnortConfig.
Perl script developed by Brian Caswell that takes a current
snort rules set and coverts them to use by snort-inline
(drop, sdrop, replace). Has extensive configuration options,
including the ability to change rules based on file,
classification, or sid.
- Session
Limit. A modification to the OpenBSD 'pf' firewall tool.
Gives you rate session limiting capabilities. This can be
used in either layer3 (routing) or layer2 (bridging) mode.
Developed by the Brazil team of the Honeynet Research
- Honeypot
Bandwith Rate Limitation. Various technology and
configuration options for creating network bandwidth latency
or throttling. Used to limit how many packets the bad guys
can send outbound from your Honeynet.
Data Capture Tools used to log
and capture all attacker activity.
- Sebek: This
is the primary tool used by the Honeynet Project to capture
attacker activity on honeypots.
- mwcollect:. This
is a low-interaction honeypot used to automate the
collection of malware. Developed and maintained by Georg
Wicherski of the German Honeynet Project.
- Pcap_api:.
Tool used primarily with the Honeywall CDROM Roo, used to
interface with pcap data.
Data Analysis Tools used to
analyze the data collected by honeyents.
- Privmsg,
a Perl script used to extract IRC conversations from tcpdump
binary log files, very good for eliminating 'noise'.
- HoneyInspector,
an older, prototype data analysis interface used to
demonstrate honeynet capabilities. This interface is now
being replaced with the one that comes on the Honeywall
- Data
Demo, A month's worth of data collected from a single
Honeynet. This data is used to develop, test, and
demonstrate data analysis tools.
- Sleuthkit.
Powerful, OpenSource forensic toolset for analyzing hacked
- WinInterrogate.
OpenSource solutions used for win32 filesystem and process