Cart Database Schema for Rivendell Version 0.1 The CARTS table holds data concerning all of the available audio selections in a Rivendell system that are capable of being individually scheduled. Following is the layout of a record in the CARTS table: DESCRIPTION TYPE LENGTH REMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------- Cart Number char 6 Range 000000 - 999999 Title char 256 Artist char 256 Album Name char 256 Release Year date 8 ISRC Code char 12 International Standard Recording Code Record Label char 64 Client char 64 Agency char 64 User Defined char 256 For use by local user Enforced Length int 4 Playout this length, 0 = don't timeshift Number of Cuts int 4 > 1 for rotators Last Cut Played int 4 Offset for rotators Rotator Play Order int 4 0 = Sequence, 1 = Random Start Date/Time datetime 20 End Date/Time datetime 20 The CUTS table holds data concerning each individual audio cut on the system, as opposed to CARTS, where individual entries may reference more than one cut (as in the case of rotators). Following is the layout of a record in the CUTS table: DESCRIPTION TYPE LENGTH REMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------- Cut ID char 12 * Base name of WAV file Cart Number char 6 Parent Cart Entry Out Cue char 64 Length int 4 Overall length in 1/100 seconds. Origin Date/Time datetime 20 Date/Time when recorded Origin Station ID char 64 Station ID where recorded Format Tag int 4 0 = PCM16, 2 = Layer-2, 3 = Layer-3 Sample Rate int 4 In samples/sec Channels int 4 1 = mono, 2 = stereo Start Cuepoint int 4 Offset to Start point in 1/100 seconds FadeUp Cuepoint int 4 Offset to FadeUp point in 1/100 seconds FadeDown Cuepoint int 4 Offset to FadeDown point in 1/100 seconds End Cuepoint int 4 Offset to End point in 1/100 seconds PRI Cuepoint int 4 Offset to PRI point in 1/100 seconds SEC Cuepoint int 4 Offset to SEC point in 1/100 seconds TER Cuepoint int 4 Offset to TER point in 1/100 seconds * Names of WAV files are calculated as follows: CCCCCC_NNN.wav where: CCCCCC = The cart number (000000 - 999999) NNN = The rotator offset (000 - 999) Thus, we can accomodate up to 1000 cuts in a single rotator. The base name is that part of the name prior to '.wav'.