# $Id: README-MODULES,v 1.12 2004/12/16 17:39:46 andrei Exp $ 'Owner' field contains a developers CVS username, see file AUTHORS for more details. 'Use' tells how deployable a module is. Regular indicates we deploy and use this feature in our infrastructure. Experimental tells we are still gaining operation experience. Temporary labels modules which momentarily fix some bugs/lacks and will disappear later. Example modules are primarily useful as educational source code for ser programmers. 'Maturity' is label as stable if a module has been deployed for longer time, alpha if it is still being developed and beta if it is under test. 'Depends on' field tells which modules the module needs. Modules underway include firewall control, and more. If you are interested in any of these or other modules, write us to info@iptel.org. List of currently available ser modules: Name: acc Owner: jiri Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: tm Purpose: Transaction accounting/example (the module server also as an example of how to bind to transaction management) Name: auth Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: sl Purpose: Common functions for digest authentication Name: auth_db Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: mysql auth Purpose: Database support for digest authentication Name: auth_radius Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: auth Purpose: Radius support for digest authentication Name: avp Owner: jiri Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Loads and checks avps per caller or callee Name: avp_db Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: mysql avp Purpose: Database support for avps Name: avp_db Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: avp Purpose: Radius support for avps Name: avpops Owner: ramona Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: Purpose: avp operations, pseudo-variable support Name: cpl-c Owner: bogdan Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Call Processing Language Name: dbtext Owner: dcm Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Database emulation in plaintext files Name: dispatcher Owner: dcm Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Implements a dispatcher for incoming requests using hashes Name: diversion Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Support for the Diversion extensions (draft-levy-sip-diversion-08) Name: exec Owner: jiri Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Execution of external URI processing logic Name: ext Owner: bogdan Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Execution of external URI processing logic Name: extcmd Owner: bogdan Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Execution of external commands Name: flatstore Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Very fast accounting in flat text files Name: gflags Owner: jiri Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: global flags that can be changed by fifo commands Name: group Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: database Purpose: Group membership checking using database Name: group_radius Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Group membership checking using Radius Name: jabber Owner: dcm Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: database tm Purpose: SIMPLE 2 Jabber gateway Name: maxfwd Owner: bogdan Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: Max-Forwards check Name: msilo Owner: dcm Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: database tm Purpose: Message store Name: mysql Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: MySQL database support Name: options Owner: calrissian Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Answers server options requests Name: pa Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: tm (usrloc jabber) Purpose: Presence agent Name: pike Owner: bogdan Use: experimental Maturity: alpha Depends on: - Purpose: Excessive load detection Name: print Owner: andrei Use: example Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: Printing messages to stdout Name: registrar Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: usrloc sl Purpose: Registrar Name: rr Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: Routing and Record-Routing Name: sl Owner: bogdan Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: Stateless replies Name: sms Owner: bogdan Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: tm Purpose: SMS gateway Name: snmp Owner: ric Use: removed Maturity: removed Depends on: - Purpose: SNMP Management Name: speeddial Owner: ramona Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: On-server speed dial facilities Name: textops Owner: andrei Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: - Purpose: Message Textual Operations Name: tm Owner: jiri Use: regular Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Transaction Management Name: uri Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: database Purpose: Various URI checks Name: uri_db Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: mysql uri Purpose: URI checking using DB Name: uri_radius Owner: janakj Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: URI checking using Radius Name: usrloc Owner: janakj Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: database Purpose: User location support Name: vm Owner: rco Use: removed (functionality moved in tm) Maturity: removed Depends on: tm Purpose: Voicemail interface Name: xlog Owner: ramona Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: Purpose: formatted logging (printf style) Contributions ------------- Name: domain Owner: jih Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: mysql Purpose: Local domain lists and related functions Name: enum Owner: jih Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Enum support Name: domain Owner: jih Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: support for maintenance of multiple domains Name: mediaproxy Owner: danp, agprojects Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: mediaproxy media relay Purpose: nat traversal Name: nathelper Owner: sobomax Use: regular Maturity: stable Depends on: rtpproxy Purpose: nat traversal Name: permissions Owner: tirpi Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: hosts.allow-like ACLs Name: postgress Owner: lgfausak Use: experimental Maturity: beta Depends on: - Purpose: Postgress DB support