Configuration Manual: SIP Residential Gateway

The SIP Residential Gateway (RG) is tested with VOCAL 1.3.0. This file
describes the system setup we used in our lab for testing RG with VOCAL. The
following figure shows the setup:

Telephone                                           |
(No: 5721383)                                       |   rg.cfg settings
   \                                                |   ---------------
    |                                               |   1. Proxy_server =
    |                        |   Gateway Marshal server
    +--+           +----------+                     |   configured for this RG
   /    \          |          |                     |   in the VOCAL arch.
  ( PSTN )--       |    RG    |---------------------+   2. Dial_Pattern adapted
   \    /   \_____ |__________|                     |   for the users provi-
    +--+ (No:     \| LineJACK |                     |   sioned in VOCAL
         5725018)  +----------+                     |   (For this setup, added
                                                    |   4 digit plan under
                                                    |   normal dial.)
                                                    |   VOCAL settings
                                                    |   --------------
                                                    |   1. Configuration of
                             |   Gateway Marshal server
                   +----------+                     |   to have PSTN gateway's
                   |   VOCAL  |                     |   address as that of RG.
                   |  a l l   |---------------------+   2. Addition of digital
                   |   in     |                     |   dial plan in global
                   |  o n e   |                     |   settings, to map calls
                   +----------+                     |   destined for PSTN to
                                                    |   the Gateway Marshal
                                                    |   server, which shall
                                                    |   proxy the request to
                                                    |   RG. 
                                                    |   (Refer section: 'RG specific configuration on VOCAL'
                                                    |     below)
                             |   ua.cfg settings
                   +----------+                     |   ---------------
                   | Vovida   |                     |   1. Proxy_server =
                   |   ua     |---------------------+   UA Marshal server
                   |__________|                     |   configured for this ua
                   | PhoneJACK|                     |   in the VOCAL arch.
                   +----------+                     |
                   User: 1001                       |
                   (as provisioned                  |
                   in VOCAL)                        |
                             |   ua.cfg settings
                   +----------+                     |   ---------------
                   | Vovida   |                     |   1. Proxy_server =
                   |   ua     |---------------------+   UA Marshal server
                   |__________|                     |   configured for this ua
                   | PhoneJACK|                     |   in the VOCAL arch.
                   +----------+                     |
                   User: 1002                       |
                   (as provisioned                  |
                   in VOCAL)                        |

The figure shows a VOCAL allinone system on a host which is a
dual processor RedHat Linux 6.2 box with 256 MB RAM. There are 
two UAs provisioned in the VOCAL system as 1001 and 1002. The UAs 1001 and
1002 reside on linux 6.2 boxes with addr and
respectively. Both these boxes host a QuickNet PhoneJack-ISA card. 

The RG resides on a linux 7.2 box ( hosting a QuickNet
LineJack-ISA card. An analog telephone line (tel# 5725018) is plugged into the
PSTN port of LineJack. 

The deployment and usage of allinone VOCAL system and the provisioning &
configuration of User Agents 1001 and 1002 is done as per the instructions in
the VOCAL documentation available at the download page of VOCAL at:

Configuration on Residential Gateway
[1] The Proxy_server entry in the rg.cfg file is set as the Gateway Marshal
server configured for RG on the VOCAL system. Refer VOCAL documentation for
instructions on configuring a Gateway Marshal server.

[2] Added the following dial pattern in rg.cfg for the provisioned UAs. 
Dial_Pattern    string  2       ^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]

This dial pattern is for calls coming from PSTN and destined for UA.

For calls from PSTN to UA, the RG acts as a PBX. On answering the call it
plays out an IP dial tone to PSTN user indicating to her to dial the 4-digit
extension number of the UA (for e.g, in our case 1001 or 1002). When she has
dialed the UA number the RG sets up the call with the proper UA.

[3] Added the Frequency & Cadence On & Off time values.
The call progress tones and their cadences may differ for different countries.
The values specified for Dial Tone, Ringback Tone & Busy Tone in rg.cfg are
specific to our Local Exchange. You need to change them to suit your Local
Exchange for proper functioning of RG.

RG specific configuration on VOCAL

[1] Configure a Gateway Marshal for RG. 
Using the VOCAL Configuration GUI do the following steps:
(a) Log in as Techinician in the Provisioning section. 
(b) Navigate to Provisioning->Servers->marshalServers->serverType
(c) Modify the default entry created by VOCAL as follows:
Under the PSTN Gateway heading set the Host Name as - the addr
of RG.

[2] Add a digital plan for calls destined for PSTN
Using the VOCAL Configuration GUI do the following steps:
[a] Log in as Techinician in the Provisioning section. 
[b] Navigate to Provisioning->System->digitalplan.
[c] set Key to ^sip:9[2-8].{6}@
[d] set Contacts to sip:$USER@
	where is the addr of the Gateway Marshal server 

RECOMMENDED: Refer VOCAL documentation for detailed instructions to carry out
the above steps.

Rationale for the above settings
The VOCAL Marshal Servers take help of the Redirect Server (RS) during call
setup for discovering the destination host addr. This is because all the UAs
register with the RS and thus RS has information about the current locations
of all the UAs. 

But for calls destined for PSTN the call goes through RG which does not register
with RS. Hence the RS cannot help during the call setup. In such cases the
digitalplan & gateway marshal entries configured on the VOCAL system come to
aid. The digitalplan entry provides the addr of the gateway marshal server.  The
gateway marshal server entry provides the addr of RG which is going to actually
setup the call to the PSTN.

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