IPng Implementations

Host Implementations (by Organization)

Apple   |   BSDI   |   BugOS   |   Bull   |   Compaq   |   DRET   |   Elmic Systems   |   Epiloque   |   FreeBSD   |   FTP Software   |   Hitachi, Ltd.   |   HP   |   IBM   |   INRIA   |   Interpeak   |   KAME   |   Linux   |   Mentat   |   Microsoft   |   NetBSD   |   Nokia   |   NRL   |   Novell   |   NTHU   |   OpenBSD   |   Pacific Softworks   |   Process Software   |   SICS   |   SCO   |   Siemens Nixdorf   |   SGI   |   Sun   |   Trumpet   |   UNH   |   WIDE   |  

Router Implementations

3Com   |   6WIND   |   Cisco Systems   |   Ericsson Telebit   |   Extreme Networks   |   Hitachi, Ltd.   |   IP Infusion   |   MRT   |   NTHU   |   Nokia   |   Nortel Networks   |   Sumitomo Electric   |   TELDAT   |   Zebra   |  


Apple Computer

Apple Computer has released a development kit with IPv6 and IPsec for Mac OS X.

For more information, visit the Apple Developers web site.


BSDI is working on an IPv6 implementation. BSDI is participating in the 6BONE project, and will include IPv6 in their early 1998 Internet Server release.

For more information contact Kevin G. Rose at kgr@bsdi.com.


Compaq Computer Corporation has implemented versions of IPv6 on Alpha Tru64 UNIX and Alpha OpenVMS.

Tru64 UNIX v5.1 and TCP/IP services v5.1 for OpenVMS contain Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) support for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and raw sockets, and IPv6 support for a subnet of commands and utilities. Our implementations can be a host and also perform as a router.

To get more detailed information visit the COMPAQ IPv6 center at http://www.compaq.com/ipv6.


BugOS has a router+host dual stack implementation for BugOS. It has: daytimed, fingerd, ftpd, gopherd, httpd, ircd, pop3d, smtpd, telnetd, tftpd, socks45d, and these clients too...

For more information see their homepage at http://bugos.nop.hu/.


Bull SA is supporting on its ESCALA machines AIX 4.3.2 and now AIX 4.3.3. Those releases contain an IPv6 host/router implementation based on DYADE(GIE INRIA-Bull) sources and also contain IPSECv6 with soon IKEv6.

Bull continues developing IPv6 by experimenting MobileIPv6 with IPSECv6 in a common project with INRIA and France Telecom.

Contact Aime Le Rouzic at Aime.Le-Rouzic@bull.net for more information.


DRET is developing another IPv6 Linux Implementation. This work is funded by the DGA/DRET (French Military Research Agency) and was co-developped by INRIA Sophia-Antipolis and LIP6 (Paris).

The main purpose of this implementation is for research. It includes routing facilities and especially the gated demon with RIPng. So now IPv6 Routing table can be determined. It is one of the first implementations of Gated for IPv6. A complete description can be found at the Linux IPv6-DRET Homepage .

For more information contact Pascal Anelli at Pascal.Anelli@lip6.fr.

Elmic Systems

Elmic Systems, Inc. is developing IPv6 as an add-on to their high-performance Turbo Treck TCP/IP product, which is an embedded systems implementation of IPv4 host protocols. Elmic Systems' strategy is to provide protocols for wireless consumer electronic devices, and IPv6 as well as Mobile IP are key to implementing that strategy. Turbo Treck TCP/IP is RTOS-independent and will run on nearly any processor. There is no porting required. Full source code will be provided.

Contact http://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/html/:mailto:support@elmic.com" for more informtaion.


Epilogue Technology Corporation . IPv6 support is included in Epilogue's portable TCP/IP source code product for embedded systems, Attache Plus6 1.0. The initial release is a dual IPv4/IPv6 stack containing minimal IPv6 support suitable for experimentation and interoperability testing. More complete IPv6 support will be available in subsequent releases.

Contact Margaret Forsythe for more information.


FreeBSD is now shipping with IPv6 based on the KAME implementation as of the FreeBSD 4.0 release.

Information on FreeBSD itself can be found at http://www.freebsd.org/.

FTP Software

FTP Software is doing an implementation of IPng for Windows.

Contact support@netmanage.com for more information.

Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi, Ltd. has developed migration tools for IPv6 for Windows PCs, and distributes it for free since August 1998.

It can be downloaded from their web server . It provides IPv6 connectivity for Windows PCs. It installs in PCs as a driver allowing access to both IPv4 and IPv6 networks using IPv4 legacy applications. Try it on your PC!


HP Hewlett-Packard has released HP-UX 11i IPv6 in August 2001. HP-UX 11i IPv6 is a fully supported product. This release supports standard-based features including Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, Neighbor Discovery, Transition Mechanisms, TCP/UDP over IPv6, PMTUv6, ICMPv6, IPv6 MIBs, and Basic and Advanced Sockets API for IPv6. HP-UX 11i IPv6 includes IPv6-ready applications and services, such as BINDv9, inetd, ftp, telnet, sendmail, rcp, remsh and rlogin. HP-UX 11i IPv6 also includes network configuration, tracing, logging, and troubleshooting utilities.

More information on the HP-UX 11i IPv6 Release and how to download the HP-UX 11i IPv6 documentation and software can be found on the IPv6 for HP-UX web page.

Please send suggestions and comments to the HP-UX IPv6 team at hpux-ipv6@cup.hp.com.


IBM has multiple IPv6 host implementation efforts underway.

INRIA Rocquencourt

INRIA Rocquencourt is building a full (4.4BSD) UNIX implementation based on NetBSD 1.3.2 and FreeBSD 2.2.7

They are targeting a Sun SPARC sun4c (but can be easily ported to any platform supported by NetBSD, ie x86 PC, some MC 68k, MIPS, NS 32x32 workstations, etc) and PC's capable of running FreeBSD.

Applications currently supported include:

Work in underway or planned includes: The IPv6 implementation is available at ftp://ftp.inria.fr/network/ipv6/or ftp://ftp.imag.fr/archive/networking/ipv6/INRIA/. Information on MMM can be found at http://pauillac.inria.fr/~rouaix/mmm/.

The mailing list for core developers is ipv6-bsd-core@imag.fr.

The mailing list for users is mailto:ipv6-bsd-user@imag.fr (managed by majordomo)

For more information contact Francis Dupont at Francis.Dupont@inria.fr.


Interpeak Interpeak has released a portable, full featured, KAME IPv6/BSD 4.4-compliant dual IPv4/IPv6 stack for embedded systems running real-time operating systems (RTOS). The product IPNET is a high-performance, robust, scalable and easy portable TCP/IP stack delivered in fully supported, portable ANSI-C source code. Additionally, a full set of tools such as route, ifconfig, ping6, telnetd etc. with full IPv4/IPv6 support is included in the release. The stack also includes an API to support the use of modern network processors used for e.g. dedicated hardware forwarding.

IPNET is closely integrated with several major real-time operating systems (OSE, WindRiver VxWorks, Nucleus ATI etc.) utilizing the same board-support package and drivers as the RTOS. This will make IPNET readily available on all platforms supported by the RTOS.

For complete information on Interpeak dual IPv4/v6 stack for embedded systems download IPNET product brochure from our homepage or contact us at info@interpeak.se.


Linux starts IPv6 implementation on verswion 2.1.8. Current 2.2.x and 2.4.x series supports IPv6 in a stable manner. In addition to the kernel maintainers, the USAGI project is working on someextension for production quality.

Information on the Linux implementation can be found on the Linux IPv6 FAQ and on the USAGI Project

An LDP Linux-IPv6-HOWTO was born some months ago:

An outdated Linux IPv6 FAQ is also available.

For more information contact Alan Cox at alan@cymru.net.


Mentat TCP is a high-performance, fully compliant implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite offering IPv6, IPSec, and other leading-edge functionality. Mentat TCP is available as a source code product designed for easy integration into any operating environment.

With the ability to deliver unmatched performance and high reliability, Mentat TCP has become the leading portable implementation of TCP/IP. Mentat TCP can be found as an integral component of many computer and real-time operating systems including Hewlett-Packard HP-UX and Apple Mac OS. In addition, Mentat TCP has been ported to Linux, Wind River VxWorks, SCO UnixWare and many other operating systems.

Mentat TCP provides all kernel-level TCP/IP functionality and will operate in any SVR4 STREAMS environment. A list of supported RFCs is available on the Mentat web page .

For more information, visit the Mentat TCP web page or contact Mentat by phone at (310) 208-2650 x28 or by e-mail to info@mentat.com.


Microsoft Corporation has scheduled commercial Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) support in the 2002 release of Microsoft Windows. For more information and availability of IPv6 support for Windows 2000 and other operating systems, visit http://www.microsoft.com/ipv6.

For the research community, Microsoft has published the source code of the IPv6 Research stack and utilities. Additional information is available on the Microsoft Research site at http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6.

National Tsing Hua University

Nationl Tsing Hua University (NTHU) is developing an implementation of IPv6 for Routers and Hosts. The Hosts IPv6 will operate in Window95 environment and the Routers IPv6 will operate in Supertask realtime kernel with i960CF CPU. The implementation or Hosts includes IPv6, ICMPv6, TCPv6, UDPv6, RSVPv6, IGMPv6, DHCPv6. The one for Routers includes IPv6, ICMPv6, TCPv6, UDPv6, RSVPv6, IGMPv6, DVMRPv6, DHCPv6, OSPFv6, RIPv6. The Routers also furnish IFMP and therefore can be used as IP switch Gateways.

For more information, contact Professor Nen-Fu Huang at nfhuang@cs.nthu.edu.tw.


NetBSD NetBSD merged in KAME IPv6 stack. This first shipped in NetBSD 1.5 in December 2000. and includes an implementation of TI-RPC and allows NFS over IPv6.

Information on NetBSD itself can be found at http://www.netbsd.org/.

Novell *NEW*

Novell has developed an IPv6 implementation for Netware 6. It's first release will be available in the Netware6.1 release. This implementation of IPv6 will coexist with the existing TCP/IP suite and will operate as a Dual stack. Developer Tools and the supporting documentation are also available.

This release will enable developers and users to:

Subsequent releases will contain You can get more information on this from the Novell
IPv6 Web site . For further information on Novell's IPv6, please contact mailto:srinka@novell.com.


OpenBSD now integrages the KAME IPv6 stack. The current version is freel downloadable from the net. IPv6 is included in the current CD-ROM release (2.7).

OpenBSD also integrates its own restriction-free implementation of IPsec.

Information on OpenBSD itself can be found at http://www.openbsd.org/.

NetSilicon Softworks Group

NetSilicon Softworks Group is developing IPv6 for the embedded systems market. For more information, contact Laura Luft mailto:laura@pacificsw.com.

Process Software

Process Software has also announced an initiative to implement IPv6 in Process Software's TCP/IP stack for OpenVMS, called TCPware. We've also created an IPv6 resource page at http://www.process.com/ipv6

For more information contact Tom Ricci at ricci@process.com.


SCO is currently implementing the Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 for their next release, code named Gemini, shipping in the second half of 1997. These are the extensions to the BSD style sockets API which will allow application developers to begin the transition to IPv6 by making their applications IPv6 ready. The full IPv6 implmentation will then be provided as a layered product at a later date.

For more information contact John Harker at johnha@sco.com.

SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science)

SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science) is developing an IPv6 implementation for HP-UX 9.05. The code is developed from scratch, except for IPSEC, which is based on NRL's source.

For more information, contact Peter Sjödin at peter@sics.se .

Siemens Nixdorf BS2000

Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG will support IPv6 with both its mainframe operating system BS2000/OSD and its UNIX systems (RM series).

For BS2000/OSD, Siemens Nixdorf is implementing all basic protocols, the sockets API, and will supply the "standard" applications like ftp, telnet and ping.

Contact Reinhold Deuter at reinhold.deuter@mch.sni.de for more information about the BS2000/OSD implementation, or Norbert Strunck at strunck.pad@sni.de for informations about UNIX systems.


SGI SGI has developed an IPv6 implementation for Irix 6.5. A beta version has been released and available as a patch for IRIX 6.5.13f.

Current functionalities in the beta release include:

SGI is continuing to actively develop the IPv6 support in IRIX. Some of the features being worked on include PPP support, tunneling, IPSec, multihoming, and jumbograms.

SGI has also been testing IPv6 implementation at the Annual Connectathon and on an ongoing basis with the TAHI test suite.

Contact ipv6support@engr.sgi.com for more information or to participate in the beta.

Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems Inc. has developed an IPv6 implementation for Solaris 8. The implementation will run on SPARC and x86 machines. Developer Tools including an IPv6 Socket Scrubber and Porting Guide are also available.

This release will enable developers to:

Subsequent releases will contain Sun also has a machine runnning the IPv6 software on the
6bone for interoperability testing with other implementators. Check the Sun IPv6 web site for information on Early access to Solaris 8, and access to the IPv6 Developer Tools.

A majordomo mailing list for users is available. To join, send mail to majordomo@sunroof.eng.sun.com and include the following line in your message: subscribe sun-ipv6-users

For further information on Sun IPv6, contact the Sun IPv6 Program Office at: ipv6-questions@sun.com.


Trumpet has developed a IPv6 TCP/IP stack & dialler for Windows 9x and NT.

Please visit http:/www.trumpet.com.au/ipv6.htm for more information.

University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire has developed a public domain implementation for IPv6. It was started with the aim to develop a 64 bit implementation for the public domain. It has several significant differences from existing IPv6 implementations.

It has been developed on NetBSD 1.2 running on Digital Alpha 64 bit processor. It might also run over 32 bit architectures (though it has not been tested, but it should not be a big problem).

They have tested the IPv6 implementation using the UNH InterOperabilty Labs. test suite and it interoperates with other implementations.

The code base is accessible at: ftp://sun4.iol.unh.edu/pub/ipv6. The packages are availabe in gzipped (.gz) or compressed (.tar) form. Documentation is provided in the README and NOTES file about the installation procedure and about features supported by this implementation.

For more information contact Quaizar Vohra at qv@sun4.iol.unh.edu


Nokia is planning on support for IPv6 across it product line. General information on Nokia's IPv6 plans can be found on Nokia's IPv6 web pages.

Nokia Research Center/Mobile Networks Laboratory has implemented IPv4/IPv6 hybrid stack (host implementation) for EPOC operating system (ER3,ER5). The protocol stack runs on various models of EPOC based PDAs e.g., on Psion Series 5mx, Series 7, netBook, and Revo.

To receive more information about the software contact Mika Liljeberg at mailto:mika.liljeberg@nokia.comor Jari Juopperi http://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/html/jari.juopperi@nokia.com.

US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

The US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is building an IPv6 and IP Security implementation for 4.4BSD-Lite derived systems as part of its Internet Security Technology research project. The NRL IPv6+IPsec implementation is freely distributable under BSD-like licensing terms and has been integrated into many popular operating systems and network products.

The standard network applications are included in the implementation. They have have been modified to permit users to take advantage of the IP Security features that are a mandatory part of IPv6. The implementation also includes the PF_KEY Key Management API and other creations that have resulted from our research work.

The first NRL release was made September 1995. The most recent release was made in January 1998. Development is continuing, and a major new release is coming soon. More information and a more current look at the software's status can be found on the NRL IPv6+IPsec web page.

The NRL IPv6/IPsec work is jointly sponsored by the Information Technology Office of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA/ITO) and the Information Security Program Office of the US Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR).

For more information contact ipv6-info@itd.nrl.navy.mil.


The v6 working group, WIDE Project has been working on several independent IPv6/IPsec stacks including the KAME stack, some dedicated routers, etc. For more information please visit WIDE IPv6 stacks page.


The KAME project is a joint effort to merge some of the IPv6/IPsec stacks, to build a solid reference implementation which is redistributable under BSD "AS IS" copyright. It was derived from the WIDE project and started in April 1998 as a two-year project, however, its term has been extent to March 2002.

The KAME implementation covers (but not limited to) the following items: IPv6, IPsec both for IPv4 and IPv6, IKE, mobility, ATM, advanced queueing/routing, and whatever advanced and interesting.

As of February 2000, the KAME project supports:

{Free,Net,Open}BSD current have already merged the KAME stack so you can obtain IPv6-ready BSDs by default. For details please visit KAME Project webpage. Weekly snapshot is available at ftp://ftp.kame.net/pub/kame/.


3Com Corporation

3Com Corporation has been delivering IPv6 is all software for the NETBuilderII and PathBuilder S500 routers since the 11.0 software version released at the end of 1997.

More information about 3Com's IPv6 plans are available online at 3Com, and will be periodically updated there. Specific IPv6 questions can also be answered by contacting 3Com directly.


6wind 6WIND provides IP v4/v6 integrated and innovative solutions for ISPs, Telcos and large corps. Its technology is the result of 4 years of R&D while the team was working at Dassault Electronique and Thomson-CSF, from which 6WIND spun off in 2000.

The 6WINDGate 6200 Series is a smart IP access router, which combines, in a single unit, all the features needed to provide a new set of IP services. These features include DiffServ QoS management, security procedures based on IPsec and IKE, IP mobility for both IPv4 and emerging IPv6 standards. It also provides all the mechanisms needed to implement a seamless migration towards IPv6.

For more information visit http://www.6wind.com/, or contact mailto:info@6wind.com.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems's announced the availabilty of IPv6 in Cisco IOS 12.2(2)T on May 14th 2001.

The following IPv6 features are supported:
  • IPv6 unicast routing

  • Services:
    • DNS using AAAA records
    • TFTP
    • IPv6 tunnels: automatic, manual, and 6to4
    • Path MTU discovery
    • Neighbor discovery
    • Packet internet groper (ping)
    • Standard access lists
    • Stateless autoconfiguration
    • Telnet
    • traceroute
  • Data link layer protocols:
    • ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) and ATM LANE
    • Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet
    • FDDI
    • Frame Relay PVC
    • Cisco High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
    • PPP over Packet-Over-SONET, ISDN, and serial (synchronous and asynchronous) interface types
    • Virtual LANs (VLANs) using Inter-Switch Link (ISL) and IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation

  • Routing protocols:
    • Multiprotocol BGP extensions for IPv6
    • RIP for IPv6
    • Static routes
Please refer to
http://www.cisco.com/ipv6for further information and to locate the IOS software. Specific inquiries can also be directed to:

Ericsson Telebit A/S


Ericsson Telebit A/S has developed an IPv6 router which is used in i.a. Denmark's National IPv6 Academic and Research Network run by UNI-C.
The implementation includes:

For more information please visit http://www.ericssontelebit.com/, Ericsson Telebit A/S, Skanderborgvej 232, DK-8260 Viby J, Denmark, Tel: +45 89 38 51 00; Fax: +45 89 38 51 01, mailto:info@ericssontelebit.com

Extreme Networks *NEW*

Extreme Networks Extreme Networks has added IPv6 capabilities to its i-series Summit, Alpine, and Black Diamond layer 3 switches. Extreme Networks' IPv6 technology release software is available immediately for interoperability testing at selected customer sites.

Extreme Networks' current IPv6 software includes:

For more information, please contact us. See
http://www.extremenetworks.com/for contact and general information.

Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi, Ltd. is offering hardware based IPv6 forwarding for its GR2000 Gigabit Router family for the purpose of allowing customers to operate stable IPv6 networks. The system employs the KAME stack. GR2000 fulfills high performance in packet forwarding (i.e. IPv6 at OC48 wire rate). Furthermore, hardware based QoS, diffserv and filtering, etc is already supported. Features include:
  • Features
    • Supports up-to-date IPv6 features using "KAME" stack.
    • Offers a wide variety of IPv6-capable network interfaces
      compliant with most of IPv6-related RFCs.
  • Interfaces
    • 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/100BASE-FX
    • 1000BASE-LX/1000BASE-SX
    • OC-3 POS/OC-12 POS/OC-48 POS
    • OC-3 ATM/OC-12 ATM
    • BRI/PRI, T3/E3
    • IPv6 over IPv4 configured tunnel
    • IPv4 over IPv6 configured tunnel
  • Routing Protocols
    • RIPng
    • BGP4+
    • OSPFv3
  • Network Management
    • ipv6MIB (RFC2465)
    • ipv6IcmpMIB(RFC2466)
    • ipv6TcpMIB (RFC2452)
    • ipv6UdpMIB (RFC2454)

For additional information, see:

IP Infusion

IP Infusion has created a suite of network routing and switching protocols that can power both embedded, carrier-class equipment and server routing platforms. Our world-class network software delivers source code solutions that enable equipment vendors to quickly embed key IPv4 and IPv6 routing technology into their core, edge, and access platforms.

For more information please see IP Infusion's web site or contact Gary Hemminger at mailto:gary@ipinfusion.com.

Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit

Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit is an open source software package provides a freely available Unix and Microsoft Windows routing daemon with support for most IPv4 and IPv6 unicast/multicast routing protocols. The MRTd routing daemon supports RIPNG, RIP2, and BGP, OSPF, PIM-DM and DVMRP, as well as emerging/experimental QOS protocols. MRT supports most of the major Cisco Systems command line management and configuration options. The MRT package also includes tools for building route servers and simulating /debugging network protocol implementations and environments.

The software is currently under development by the University of Michigan and Microsoft Research. Past development was supported under National Science Foundation Grants ( NCR-9318902, NCR-9612764).

Software source code and binaries are available at http://www.mrtd.net/

See Merit Network or contact mailto:%20mrt-support@merit.edufor more information.


Nokia is planning on support for IPv6 across it product line. General information on Nokia's IPv6 plans can be found on Nokia's IPv6 web pages.

Nokia Internet Communications has been shipping IPv6 support since its IPSO 3.3 release that run's on Nokia's IP 100/300/400/500/600/700 line of products. Current support includes Neighbor Discovery, ICMPv6, tunneling (IPv6 in IPv4, IPv4 in IPv6), 6-to-4, 6-over-4, static routes, RIPng and IPsec. Supported interfaces include 10/100 Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, FDDI and PPP. Future IPv6-specific support will include OSPFv3, MBGP, PIM and Router Renumbering.

Information the general product family can be found at IP Networking Application Platforms .

Contact Ned Cavasian mailto:nedc@iprg.nokia.comfor additional information.

Nortel Networks

Nortel Networks' initial IPv6 implementation was released in BayRS version 12.0 software in the 1st half of 1997.
The following IPv6 functionality is currently supported: For more information on the BayRS Release of IPv6, please contact Dmitry Fonarev at
http://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/html/dfonarev@nortelnetworks.com. IPv6 support is being developed for additional Nortel platforms. For more information contact Mike Swift at mailto:imswift@nortetnetworks.com

Sumitomo Electric

Sumitomo Electric has implemented IPv6 on Suminet 3700 family routers.

For more information, visit our web page or contact Shin Yoshida at mailto:yoshida@sumitomo.com.


Teldat is a Spanish router manufacturer and a member of the IPv6 Forum. They are developing IPv6 support for their routers. The latest release available is version 1.0 Beta 0 which includes :

For more information
http://www.teldat.es/ or contact Teldat at ipv6@teldat.es.


Zebra is developing IPv6 routing software called Zebra.

Currently 2 of 4 connections to 6tap is done by Zebra routing software. It is distributed under GNU GPL and runs on Linux, *BSD, and support RIPng, BGP-4+, OSPFv3.

More more information contact Kunihiro Ishiguro at kunihiro@zebra.org.

This page was developed by Robert Hinden of Nokia. It was last updated on 9 August 2002.

If you find problems with this page, please contact him at hinden@iprg.nokia.com.

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