IPv6-HowTo | IPv6-Status | Linux+IPv6-HOWTO [LDP] | Linux+IPv6-HOWTO [DS6]

Linux: IPv6

Version: 2.09 from 2005-07-25
Copyright 1997-2005 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>, original site of publishing: http://www.bieringer.de/linux/IPv6/

Quick links

BTW: in case of connectivity problems to Deep Space 6, take a look at mirror http://mirrors.bieringer.de/www.deepspace6.net/

Linux+IPv6-HOWTO (the newest one, SGML powered)
On TLDP TLDP Logo and TLDP-mirrors
On Linux Documentation Library

On Deep Space 6 DeepSpace6 Logo
IPv4 & IPv6
On mirrors.bieringer.de Favorite Icon Bieringer
IPv4 & IPv6
On TDOI tdoi logo
IPv4 & IPv6
On XaraNet XaraNet Logo
IPv4 & IPv6
On Italian LDP  Italian LDP Logo

On various sites

IPv6-HowTo (the older one, HTML only)
On http://www.bieringer.de/ Favorite Icon Bieringer IPv4 & IPv6 (yeah!)
On various mirrors

On various sites

  • in Flag France as French translation by Oliver Tharan <olive at minet dot net> (release 3.13b du 16-01-2000)
  • in Flag Italy as Italian translation by Reale Mario <MReale at etnoteam dot it> (release 3.15r del 13-11-2000)
Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications (not only) for Linux
On Deep Space 6 DeepSpace6 Logo
IPv4 & IPv6
On mirrors.bieringer.de Favorite Icon Bieringer
IPv4 & IPv6
IPv6 status of Linux (older one, superseeded now by upper shown status pages)
On http://www.bieringer.de/ Favorite Icon Bieringer
IPv4 & IPv6 (yeah!)
On various mirrors

Other important docs
On Deep Space 6 DeepSpace6 Logo
IPv4 & IPv6
On mirrors.bieringer.de Favorite Icon Bieringer
IPv4 & IPv6

This site

Currently known active mirrors of this site:

URL Location Update frequency Maintainer
Flag Germanyftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/mirrors/www.bieringer.de/pub/linux/IPv6/   (IPv4)
ftp://ftp.ipv6.uni-muenster.de/pub/mirrors/www.bieringer.de/pub/Linux/IPv6/ (IPv6)
Germany (WiN) Daily, in sync (2003-09-06) Christian Schild <schild at uni-muenster dot de>
Flag Germanyhttp://www.comlab.uni-rostock.de/ipv6/mirror/www.bieringer.de/ Germany (WiN) Daily, in sync (2003-09-06) Thomas Kessler
<thomas dot kessler at etechnik dot uni-rostock dot de>
Flag UKhttp://www.cs-ipv6.lancs.ac.uk/ipv6/systems/linux/bieringer/ UK Weekly, in sync (2003-07-29) Lancs IPv6 <ipv6 at comp dot lancs dot ac dot uk>
Flag HongKonghttp://ipv6.shellhung.org/ Hong Kong, China Daily, in sync (2003-09-06) Shell Hung <shell at linux dot org dot hk>
Flag Romaniaftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/www.bieringer.de/ Romania Daily, in sync (2003-07-29) Valeriu VRACIU <vvraciu at iasi dot roedu dot net>
Flag Portugal http://linux-howto.ipv6.telepac.pt/ (IPv4 & IPv6)
Daily, in sync (2003-09-06)
Pedro Goncalves <noc at ipv6 dot telepac dot pt>
Flag Turkey http://ipv6.bahcesehir.edu.tr/
Daily, in sync (2003-11-02) Yalcin Cekic <yalcin at eng dot bahcesehir dot edu dot tr>

If you want to mirror this site complete or partially, you should read following mirror notes . Because of dynamic footer generation, public mirroring via HTML is no longer allowed, use rsync instead.

IPv6 test pages

Here you can test or detect whether your connection is over IPv4 or over native IPv6:

Suggestions, comments and improvements are welcome!
Older versions of this page can be found at ftp://ftp.bieringer.de/pub/linux/OldDocuments/

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