Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Manual


What is Antamedia Bandwidth Manager ?

Bandwidth Manager helps you control download and upload rate for every computer in your network. Computers can be limited with specified time and quota per session, day time when access is allowed and set to logout after inactivity. Our bandwidth shaper is very suitable for Internet and game cafes as it tightly integrates with Internet Caffe software enabling automatic blocking of traffic when user logout. Every user and computer can have different download and upload rates. Bandwidth Manager doesn't require any proprietary hardware so you can use any standard PC with two network cards to setup bandwidth shaper.

Before you begin, please make sure that you have configured Internet Connection Sharing on your computer. This is basic sharing method which comes with Windows. However, you can configure sharing in different way - using RRAS in W2003 or some third party software.

Main Bandwidth Manager control panel

Main panel shows the most important details of connected computers: IP and MAC address, time left, quota (bandwidth left for use), bandwidth (data transfer per second) and inactivity.
In case of unlimited time accounts, time left field will be represented as '...'. If account has unlimited bandwidth, quota and bandwidth fields will show '...'
Bottom status line shows number of connected computers and total bandwidth used (data transfer per second).

Inactivity field shows time left in seconds before automatic logoff occur. Inactivity is optional for every account and default number of seconds can be specified in Setup - Network page. It's suitable to turn off this option for account if unlimited accounts is going to be used.

From the main panel you can choose one of the options:
• 'Connections' - Displays computers and their current status (screenshot below)
• 'Accounts' - Configure and create the accounts. These are pairs of IP and MAC addresses that identifies specific computers in your network
• 'Statistics' - Shows action log for certain time period
• 'Setup' - Administrator options used to configure Bandwidth manager
• 'Logoff' - Logoff Bandwidth Manager

Network setup

Please specify network interface which is used to connect local network to this computer. It is assumed that this computer is configured as gateway and connected to internet.

• 'Network Interface' - Choose network interface which is used to client computers
• 'Auto start software for selected interface' - Use it to automatically start bandwidth control when program started
• 'IP address' - Set IP address of the network interface used to connect client computers
• 'Maximum users' - Set how many client computers can connect to the internet through the server computer
• 'Inactivity logout' - Specify amount of time of network inactivity before computer is logged out
• 'Start' - Start Bandwidth Manager control
• 'Stop' - Stop Bandwidth Manager control
• 'Save' - Save network settings


There are 3 ways to grant Internet access to computers in your network:

Using Accounts that specify the IP or MAC of a computer. If an IP/MAC is found in the database, the computer is logged in and displayed in the list.
Autologin - If enabled, a computer is logged in with default options (download, upload, quota, time etc).
Using Antamedia Internet Caffe Server to fully automate the login/logout process.

How to create account

Accounts are specified by IP or MAC address of a computer. Define different access time, download, upload etc. for each user separately.

• 'IP'- Client computer IP address
• 'MAC'- Client computer MAC address
• 'Download' - Limit download rate in kb/s
• 'Upload' - Limit upload rate in kb/s
• 'Quota' - Total amount of data in MB available
• 'Enable unlimited quota' - Unlimited quota (if you wish to limit only download/upload rate)
• 'Time' - Time left (If you wish to set limited time per session)
• 'Enable unlimited access time' - Unlimited time option
• 'Only allow access' - Set allowed access hours for login
• 'Inactivity timeout' - Computer will be automatically logged out if there is no network activity within a specified time
• 'Active' - Account can be temporary disabled


WIth autologin option enabled all computers are logged in with default settings:

• 'Default download rate' - Define default download rate in kb/s
• 'Default upload rate' - Define default upload rate in kb/s
• 'Default quota' - Total amount of data in MB available
• 'Unlimited quota' - Configure this option if you wish to limit only download/upload rate
• 'Time' - Limit time per session
• 'Unlimited time' - Time per session is not limited. Bandwidth Manager will control just download/upload
• 'Enable Inactivity timeout' - Computer will be automatically logged out if there is no network activity within a specified time

Internet Caffe Server control

This option allows fully automated process if you already use Antamedia Internet Caffe software in your cybercafe. As soon as customer login in Internet Caffe clients, Bandwidth Manager will grant him access based on his member account or default values specified in Internet Caffe software. At the end of the session, Bandwidth manager disables Internet access to the client computer, preventing any program to access Internet resources. Online games, viruses, worms etc will not be able to generate undesired traffic.

Server control has higher priority over autologin and account option. Internet Caffe and Bandwidth Manager will make possible to allow different bandwidth download, upload, and quota for every computer.

Action Log database

Bandwidth Manager stores different actions in action log database, including session start and stop, time of login attempts etc. Of course, there is filter engine for faster search.

• 'Date' - Show action LOG database for specified time period
• 'Action' - Show action log database for specified action (login, logout, new accounts, deleted accounts ...)
• 'Computer IP or MAC' - Show Action Log database for specified IP or MAC address
• 'Username' - Show all action for specified username
• 'Export' - Export action LOG database in *.csv, *.txt or *.html format


Enables specified computers (identified by MAC address of network card) to pass-through the Bandwidth Manager. For example: allow your home computer to acquire access without any limitations

• 'Add' - Add computer MAC address to the whitelist
• 'Remove' - Remove selected MAC address from the whitelist
• 'Save' - Save MAC addresses to the whitelist


• 'Administrator password' - Default administrator password is blank. Please specify new password for administrator login. To login Bandwidth Manager choose Administrator as username and password you configured

• 'Account access' - Account access control is based on: IP address, MAC address or both (IP and MAC address). If your computers have fixed IP addresses you might choose to control login based on IP addresses. However if you use DHCP and IPs are different, you should select MAC based login verification. For highest security, you can enable third option. If both IP and MAC are found in the database, and these match computer that tries to login, access will be granted. If any of these mismatch, login will not be possible.

If you have any question which is not explained in Manual, feel free to contact us!

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