Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #originPoint, point)

SetSpriteProperty(@"IconTitle", #originPoint, point)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls the origin point of a Flash movie. The origin point is the point around which scaling and rotation occurs.

The originPoint property is specified as a point value; for example, Point(100,200). Setting a Flash movie's origin point with the originPoint property is the same as setting the originH and originV properties separately. For example, setting the originPoint property to Point(50,75) is the same as setting the originH property to 50 and the originV property to 75.

Point values specified for the originPoint property are restricted to integers, whereas originH and originV can be specified with floating-point numbers. When you get the originPoint property, the point values are truncated to integers. As a rule of thumb, use the originH and originV properties for precision; use the originPoint property for speed and convenience.

Setting the originPoint property changes the originMode property to #point.

You can get and set the value of the originPoint property. The default setting is 0.

Example  This statement sets the origin points to the last point the user clicked.

SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #originPoint, Point(ClickX, ClickY))
Related Functions originH property, originV property, originMode property

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