Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #preload, boolean)
Type Icon property
Description  This property controls whether a Flash movie must load entirely into RAM before the first frame of a sprite is displayed or whether the movie can stream into memory as it plays. This property works only for external Flash movies; it has no effect on internal movies. The streamMode and bufferSize properties determine how the icon is streamed into memory. The preload property can have these values:

TRUE The entire movie must load into RAM before the first frame plays.
FALSE The movie can stream into RAM while it's playing.

You can get and set the value of the preload property. The default setting is FALSE.

Example  The first statement sets up a Flash sprite icon for streaming and the second line sets its bufferSize property.

SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #preload, False)
SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #bufferSize, 65536)
Related Functions streamMode property, bufferSize property

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