Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #scaleMode, mode)

SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #scaleMode, mode)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls the way a Flash movie is scaled within a sprite's bounding rectangle. When you scale a Flash movie sprite by setting its scale and viewScale properties, the sprite itself is not scaled, only the view of the movie within the sprite. The scaleMode property can have these values:

#showAll maintains the aspect ratio of the original Flash movie. If necessary, it fills in any gap on the horizontal or vertical dimension using the background color.
#noBorder maintains the aspect ratio of the original Flash movie. If necessary, it crops the horizontal or vertical dimension.
#exactFit doesn't maintain the aspect ratio of the original Flash movie. It stretches the Flash movie to fit the exact dimensions of the sprite.

You can get and set the value of the scaleMode property. The default setting is #showAll.

Example  This statement sets the scaleMode property of a Flash movie sprite to #showAll.

SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #scaleMode, #showAll)
Related Functions scale property

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