Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #defaultRect, rect)
Type Icon property
Description  This property controls the default size used for all new sprites created from a Flash movie sprite icon. The defaultRect setting also applies to all existing sprites that have not been stretched. You specify the property values as a Rect; for example, Rect(0,0,32,32).

The defaultRect property is affected by the icon's defaultRectMode property. The defaultRectMode property is always set to #Flash when a Flash sprite icon is inserted, which means the original defaultRect setting is always the size of the movie as it was originally created in Flash. Setting the defaultRect property after that implicitly changes the icon's defaultRectMode property to #fixed.

You can get and set the value of the defaultRect property.

Example  This statement sets the defaultRect property to the size of the Presentation window.

SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #defaultRect, Rect(0,0,WindowWidth, WindowHeight))
Related Functions FlashRect property, defaultRectMode property

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