========================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++ R E A D M E . T X T +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ for WinPSK program ++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================================================================== Revision history: ver. 0.1 initial beta release 12-16-99 ver. 0.2 12-17-99 Fixed CWID problem ver. 0.3 12-19-99 Fixed Font save problem, changed settings.dat method made macro titles longer, limit text to 256 ver. 0.4 12-20-99 Fixed accent text, modified macros, added 'start'keyword ver. 1.0 12-30-99 Initial non-beta release Bug fixes: Fixed Missing characters at end of TX Made AFC smoother Fixed screen maximize restoration problem Fixed UTC date problem Fixed problem if Tune button was double clicked Changed CW ID spacing Fixed display zoom problems Fixed(by removing) the memory resource display problem. Fixed problem of version number in registry key Functional Changes: Changed FFT size to 2048 making updates faster(.37 Sec) Zoom limit reduced to 10 Removed useless signal views(3D,I/Q,eye,large vector) Rewrote waterfall display for 10x speedup, made color, and bigger Changed test mode to demo mode and added fast option Added option to turn off tx text echoing in rx window Removed QPSK lsb mode box and moved lsb select into setup Increased macro text size to 2K Placed Macro title text on button and made button larger Changed UTC time/date format Added means to measure and adjust soundcard clock frequency Added an input overload message to spectral displays Added CPU too slow message in signal displays ver. 1.1 1-23-00 maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed FFT amplitude scaling problem Fixed Fast DemoMode CPU %use bug Fixed "About Box" text problem Functional Changes: Added Narrow AFC mode after Transmit to reduce freq drift Added Setup links to Window's Mixer audio level control Changed CW ID speed/spacing Added Local Time option ver. 2.0 5-29-00 New DLL based version release Bug fixes: Fixed ongoing problems with AFC Functional Changes: Added new QSO information edit boxes Added more macros and macro keywords Added new signal tuning functionality. Expanded frequency range Cleaned up user interface Added more user setup options ver. 2.01 5-30-00 Maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed asymetric AFC capture range in dll ver. 2.02 6-05-00 Maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed Focus problem with Tx/Rx button ver. 2.03 6-24-00 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Limited frequency range to 200-3500Hz. Added Small Spectral view to waterfall view. Bug fixes: Fixed Copy/Paste to TX window problem. ver. 2.04 6-25-00 Maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed (again?)Copy/Paste to TX window crash problem. Fixed hiding mouse cursor problem ver. 2.05 7-02-00 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Added "Always on Top" selection to View menu. Bug fixes: Fixed Crash if soundcard was being used by another program. ver. 2.06 7-15-00 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Added multiple text files in macros and keywords in the text files. Bug fixes: Fixed Input and sync view problem with general setup. ver. 2.07 7-23-00 Maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed Boot up crashing problem. DLL sent a DATARDY msg to update the screen before the void CWinPSKView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) was called for the first time to init the screen. ver. 2.08 8-03-00 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Added "rewind" feature that rightclicking in the spectrum or waterfall backs up the audio data and re-receives it. Added delay between PTT and audio. Bug fixes: Wasn't restoring several settings on entry. Fixed tab order bug with BPSK checkbox. ver. 2.09 12-24-00 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Added full duplex satellite mode with fast tracking AFC. PTT and audio. ver. 2.10 8-4-01 Maintenance release Functional Changes: Added wave file reading/writing support. Added TX Offset function Added Waterfall palette file support ver. 2.11 9-8-01 Maintenance release Bug fixes: Fixed some com port issues, support for PSKCoreDLL ver 1.13 ver. 2.13 5-22-03 Maintenance release Added double speed PSK63 support for PSKCoreDLL ver 1.17 Moe Wheatley AE4JY ========================================================================== System Requirements: 133MHz Pentium ( works on 486 but MUST have floating point processor) Windows 95/98/NT ( is a 32 bit Windows application ) A soundcard that is supported by Windows. ========================================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PSK31 is an amateur radio communications mode introduced by Peter Martinez, G3PLX, that uses phase modulation and special character coding. It allows robust narrow bandwidth keyboard “Chat” type communications between two or more stations. WinPSK evolved as a result of experimenting with methods to develop and program various DSP communications algorithms using a standard Windows based PC platform. WinPSK went from basically a DSP test bed to a simple functioning program for PSK31. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Program Installation The program consists of an executable file “WinPSK.exe” and a library file "PSKCore.dll". This file can be placed anywhere but is probably best to create a new folder(directory) for it say at C:\WinPSK\. If online help is desired then you also need the file “WinPSK.hlp” and “ WinPSK.cnt” to also be in the same directory. Once the program has been run once, Windows will create a few other files if Help is used. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Program Removal To remove this program, just delete all the files in the folder where WinPSK.exe resides. Purists may also want to run “Regedit” and look in the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software” folder for a registry key called “AE4JY Software”, select it and hit delete and your system should no longer have any knowledge of WinPSK. Leaving this key may eat up a few bytes of disk space but will not affect any other programs. If you look at the list of programs in this folder you will probably find remnants of all sorts of old programs. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// System Requirements: 133MHz Pentium ( may work on 486 but MUST have floating point processor) Windows 95/98/NT ( is a 32 bit Windows application ) A soundcard that is supported by Windows. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This program is released in the public domain with no support or warranty of any kind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------