APEC Telecenter Training Camp


Schedule - Jan. 24

Date Item Time Program Venue
Jan. 24
  08:00~09:00 Registration  
  09:00~09:40 Opening  
1 09:40~10:10 Keynote Speech
Topic: ICT for All
Speaker: Prof. Chi-Kuo Mao
Graduate Institute of Business and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Room A03

2 10:10~10:30 Introduction to the APEC Telecenter Development Program
Speaker: Yu-Chuan (Michael) Lin
Deputy Director
Department of Information Management
Research, Development and Evaluation Commission
Chinese Taipei

Room A03

  10:30~10:50 Break  
3 10:50~11:40  Lecture 1
Topic: Build the policy and regulations for ICT development
Speaker: Dr. Zsehong Tsai
Deputy Executive Secretary
Science & Technology Advisory Group
Chinese Taipei

Room A03

  11:40~12:00 Q&A  
  12:00~14:00 Lunch Room A01
4 14:00~14:50 Lecture 2
Topic: The Telecenter Planning Process
Speaker: Prof. Royal D. Colle
Department of Communication, Cornell University, USA

Room A03

  14:50~15:10 Q&A  
  15:10~15:30 Break  
5 15:30~16:20 Lecture 3
Topic: Building Telecenter Services
Speaker: Dr. Roger Harris
Independent consultant, Hong Kong

Room A03

  16:20~16:40 Q&A  
6 16:40~17:30 Group Discussion  
Group 1: The role and policy needed for government in bridging the digital divide.

Room A03

Group 2: How to make sustainable telecenters in rural areas a reality? Room A04
Group 3: How to bring up resources for telecenter development? Room A05
  19:00 Welcome Dinner Grand Hotel

  1. The schedule is subject to change if necessary.
  2. The number of country reports and their presentation time will be adjusted according to the feedback of participating economies.

Copyright © Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), 2004
Last Updated: 2005/03/31