Syntax result:=CallIcon(@"IconTitle", #getError)
Type Method
Description  This method indicates if an error occurred while streaming a Flash movie into memory. If an error did occur, the getError method indicates the type of error. The getError method returns these values:

FALSE No error occurred.
#memory There is not enough memory to load the Flash movie.
#fileNotFound The file containing the Flash movie could not be found.
#network A network error prevented the Flash movie from loading.
#fileFormat The file was found, but it appears to be of the wrong type, or an error occurred while reading the file.
#other Some other error occurred.

When an error occurs while a Flash movie is streaming into memory, Authorware sets the sprite icon's state property to -1 to indicate that an error occurred. You can use the getError method to determine what type of error occurred.

Example  This routine checks to see if an error occurred for a Flash sprite icon named Flash Icon. If there was an error, the routine sets a custom variable with the message and then calls the clearError method.

If GetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #state) then
    Error:=CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #getError)
    CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #clearError)
Related Functions state property, clearError method

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