Syntax CallIcon(@"IconTitle", #clearError)
Type Method
Description  Use this method to reset the error state of a streaming Flash sprite icon to 0.

If an error occurs while a Flash movie is streaming into memory, Authorware sets the sprite icon's state property to -1 to indicate that an error occurred. You can use the getError method to determine what type of error occurred. You can then use the clearError method to reset the sprite icon's error state to 0. Setting a sprite icon's pathName, linked, and preload properties also automatically clears the error condition.

Example  This routine checks to see if an error occurred for a Flash sprite icon named Flash Icon. If there was an error, the routine sets a custom variable with the message and then calls the clearError method.

If GetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #state) then
    Error:=CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #getError)
    CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #clearError)
Related Functions state property, getError method

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