Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewScale, percent)

SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewScale, percent)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property sets the overall amount to scale the view of a Flash movie sprite within the sprite's bounding rectangle. The viewScale property is a specified as a percentage using a floating-point number.

The sprite rectangle itself isn't scaled, only the view of the movie within the rectangle. Setting the viewScale property of a sprite is like choosing a lens for a camera. As the viewScale decreases, the apparent size of the movie within the sprite increases, and vice versa. For example, setting the viewScale property to 200 percent means the view inside the sprite now shows twice the area it once did, and the movie inside the sprite appears half its original size.

One significant difference between the viewScale and scale properties is that the viewScale always scales from the center of the sprite's bounding rectangle, whereas the scale property scales from a point determined by the Flash movie's originMode property.

You can get and set the value of the viewScale property. The default setting is 100.

Example  This statement doubles the view scale of a Flash movie sprite.

SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #viewScale, 200)
Related Functions viewH property, viewV property, viewPoint property

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