Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewV, percent)

SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewV, percent)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls the vertical coordinate of a Flash movie's view point. This point is specified in Flash movie pixel units. The point values can be floating-point numbers.

A Flash movie's view point is set relative to its origin point. For more information, see the viewPoint property.

Setting a positive value for viewV shifts the movie up inside the sprite; setting a negative value shifts the movie down. Therefore, changing the viewV property can have the effect of cropping the movie, or even of removing the movie from view entirely.

You can get and set the value of the viewV property. The default setting is 0.

Example  This routine moves the view of a Flash movie sprite from top to bottom within the sprite's bounding rectangle.

repeat with i := 120 down to -120
    SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #viewV, i )
end repeat
Related Functions viewH property, viewPoint property, viewScale property

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